Month: February 2023

The move to Cleveland was significant progress for what would…

The move to Cleveland was significant progress for what would…

The move to Cleveland was significant progress for what would become the home of an international movement. »

What will be the Church of God's response at the…

What will be the Church of God’s response at the 2018 General Assembly to the building of the wall on the border between U. S. and Mexico? »

Anyone recall the days in the Church of God when…

Anyone recall the days in the Church of God when…

Anyone recall the days in the Church of God when testimonies about nuns escaping from convents and Roman Catholic priest converting to protestant faith from Catholicism. It was the time of the popularity of Jack Chick tracts about the testimony of Alberto. One of the converts from Catholicism to Protestantism became a Church of God preacher and built up the Durham Street COG in North Carolina. He ... »

Honoring Charles W. Conn, who was born January 20, 1920….

Honoring Charles W. Conn, who was born January 20, 1920….

Honoring Charles W. Conn, who was born January 20, 1920. While president of Lee College, he established the Dixon Pentecostal Research Center in 1971 “to preserve for future generations those things of the past that have made us what we are.” Today, the center holds more than 19,000 cataloged books and other media, as well as hundreds of feet of archival records–all of which are available fo... »