Month: February 2023

As long as the Church of God holds the position…

As long as the Church of God holds the position of only men serving as Administrative Bishops it remains a complementarian denomination in spite of a lot of members/ministers professing egalitarian views. When it adds women into the AB ranks the old beliefs of wives being in submission to their husbands will be like excessive rouge, make-up and lipstick and expensive jeweled adornment, bobbed hair... »

The Benefits Board manages a retirement plan for Church of…

The Benefits Board manages a retirement plan for Church of…

Does anyone know about the Church of God Benefits Board? It is a separate facilities from the General Headquarters buildings. It has annual receipts in excess of three million dollars and has 10 employees. They manage minister’s retirement plans however are there other functions and who are the board members? The Benefits Board manages a retirement plan for Church of God Cleveland, TN minist... »

Why is it that the Church of God executive administration…

Why is it that the Church of God executive administration of General headquarters will not reveal how much Jentezen Franklin was paid to speak in the Agree Eighteen last week? Do you know why? »

A former communications director for the Church of God's international…

A former communications director for the Church of God's international…

A former communications director for the Church of God’s international headquarters in Cleveland, Tenn., pleaded guilty Wednesday to stealing nearly $1 million from church coffers through an elaborate scheme. »