Month: February 2023

Chick-fil-A Says ‘Corporate Giving Mischaracterized’ After Anti-Gay Funding Flap

After accusations that it’s caving in to gay activist pressure in exchange for opening a restaurant in Chicago, Chick-fil-A is seeking to clarify its position. The fast-food restaurant, on the cusp of replacing KFC as the nation’s largest c... »

Speaking Truth To Power

I really ought to leave this alone. Really I should. However, I’ve been asked multiple times for more specific response and reaction to my visit to Washington, DC and the White House, especially in light of a video gone viral of an individual citing so... »

RT @High5kids1: Hey @RepKBrooks @emilyelizabeth1 and @jaclyngallaher Thanks for following @westmorecog @High5kids1 twitter feed! B blessed! #ourCOG #kidmin

RT @High5kids1: Hey @RepKBrooks @emilyelizabeth1 and @jaclyngallaher Thanks for following @westmorecog @High5kids1 twitter feed! B blessed! #ourCOG #kidmin »

Heart Burn | Burning Hearts | Pastor Tony Stewart

Heart Burn | Burning Hearts | Pastor Tony Stewart

Does our heart burn when we have been with Jesus? As believers, we must guard our hearts against the issues of life, for it determines the course of our life. In this message, Pastor Tony shares three areas that help us see the condition and health of our hearts. »