Month: April 2023

BETRAYED: The Clergy Killer’s DNA

By Mike McManus Why are 1,500 clergy leaving pastoral ministry each month? Many have been driven out by the “Clergy Killer Phenomenon.” As one pastor put it in a powerful new documentary, “BETRAYED: The Clergy Killer’s DNA,” “So many ministers are being destroyed by evil and evil people in the life of the church who [...] »

Behind the Scenes of the Prophetic Summit – Part 3

Behind the Scenes of the Prophetic Summit – Part 3


Dallas Church of God Live Stream

Dallas Church of God Live Stream


We Remember Dorcas Brinson

DORCAS BRINSON World Missions Director Dr. David M. Griffis and Assistant Director Dr. M. Thomas Propes extend their deepest heartfelt sympathy to the Brinson Family in the passing June 9, 2021, of their wife, mother, and grandmother, Dorcas Brinson. The Brinsons’ son, Terrell, is currently serving as a World Missions Representative, making an impact on [...] »