Month: April 2023

Numbers and Faces

“Numbers count. They tell a story. They let you know what the score is. They show you where you’re winning … »

Let's focus on the false teachers and prophets in the…

Let’s focus on the false teachers and prophets in the Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee. We need a common standard to determine who is a false teacher/prophet. It can’t be someone you dislike or don’t like their style. There has to be doctrinal wrongs, unethical practices, unbiblical ministry practices. »

When was the last time you read a testimony like…

When was the last time you read a testimony like…

When was the last time you read a testimony like this? »

"I am glad that we as a church have no…

“I am glad that we as a church have no other leader but God’s Spirit; no other law but that which Jesus gave; no other rule of faith but the New Testament.” – R.G. Spurling Oh such a pure heart and design. Bro. Spurling lived in the late 1800’s. If only he could see what has become of his vision for the Body of the MESSIAH. I’m certain he would be heart broken. He als... »