How does an old fashion Church of God pastor dress…
How does an old fashion Church of God pastor dress to fish? »
How does an old fashion Church of God pastor dress to fish? »
God used me in the operation of the gifts of the Spirit in two worship services last Sunday. At the 11:00 service and at the 2:00 Hispanic service. We need more congregational operation of the gifts instead of a focus on preacher dominated (pulpit) worship service. If you are member of a congregation (lay person) tell us about your experience last Sunday. If you are a pastor tell me about your lai... »
I want to ask, how many anti-rapture people have ever actually listened to the Scriptural arguments of those who are pro-rapture people? And before you insist that it is not mentioned, it is. The concept as well as the word. But it is mentioned in word in the Greek version. That word is Harpotzo (or Harpatzo). If you didn’t know even that much, then stop thinking so highly of your unstinting... »
Perry Stone teaches about the rapture. »