Month: June 2023

Friends, we need to erect our large gospel tents and…

Friends, we need to erect our large gospel tents and go everywhere with the gospel. We cannot retire. We must press on with spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in the demonstration of the power of the Holy Ghost. Thank God, there remains a good number of ministers in the CoG who are doing exactly this. »

I'm probably gonna leave this group because it's basically just…

I’m probably gonna leave this group because it’s basically just one guy constantly judging other people about their lives and trying to stir up trouble. We all need to focus on our own walk with Christ while ministering to others. A sinner will never be won to the Lord by condemnation, judgement, or hate. Jesus loves us all and that is the most important thing. »

What Should a Church Meeting Look Like? I know a…

What Should a Church Meeting Look Like? I know a lot of people in the Church of God, just like in other Pentecostal churches, believe in spiritual gifts, tongues, interpretation, prophecy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, and of course healing, and various other gifts. But what do you think about a church meeting where someone stands up and continually shares words of knowledge and prophecies ... »

Welcome all new comers! This is not a fan club…

Welcome all new comers! This is not a fan club for the Church of God. You can find those FB groups. This is an open forum and positive and negative post are welcome. If you don’t have anything good to say well go ahead and say it here. We are here for the good of the kingdom and we can all grow from good open discussion. If you are too thin skinned you can find a comfort zone elsewhere. »