Month: June 2023

Pastor Jentezen Franklin Live at Free Chapel | 9am

Pastor Jentezen Franklin Live at Free Chapel | 9am

Welcome To Church! To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you: Share your testimony to encourage us and others: »

Sometimes I think the CoG is its biggest hindrance. Let…

Sometimes I think the CoG is its biggest hindrance. Let me explain from personal evidence. (1) CoG Missionaries who visited my local CoG often stated that regardless of how much money was donated to them, they were allocated certain funds and anything above that amount was retained by CoG headquarters. (2) Our friend Vince, a graduate of Lee College, was sent by the CoG headquarters to Italy. He w... »

Is new birth the qualification for The rapture?

Is new birth the qualification for The rapture? »

I had dinner with the interpreter and her husband. What…

I had dinner with the interpreter and her husband. What a preacher she must be!!! She is as anointed as the preacher! »