Month: June 2023

Perry Stone Economic Crash Riots in America Then a Russian invasion

Perry Stone Economic Crash Riots in America Then a Russian invasion


From time to time I think about Bishop Williams call…

From time to time I think about Bishop Williams call to have all of the COG read the bible through. He did this when he was G O. Then today as I was reading in Leviticus I wondered how any modern person could read Lev. and make sense of it without the guidance of someone who had studied the whole bible and understood the history of the Jewish people. Since Lev. was a message aimed primarily at the... »

World Missions Releases Third ‘100 Days’ Report

World Missions Releases Third ‘100 Days’ Report ... »

What is the rock that dashes the feet of the fourth kingdom in Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream in Daniel 2?

Interestingly there is a supernatural rock that moves all by itself and attacks the fourth kingdom in Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream. What is this little rock that is so marvelous and when did (or when will it) attack the Roman Empire? Note: I am... »