Month: June 2023

Dallas Church of God Live Stream

Dallas Church of God Live Stream


A five year old boy was left with CoG relatives…

A five year old boy was left with CoG relatives by his parents due to vocational reasons and those relatives didn’t want to be bothered with the boy so they let another CoG family take him. This was in the 60’s. The boy was sexually molested by the father of the family. The man remained in the church for years and as for as I know his sin remained hid from the church. Aren’t you ... »

If Peter was the pastor of large Church of God…

If Peter was the pastor of large Church of God congregation he would have tweeted come back to the upper room next Sunday and see the Holy Ghost show up again and show off! Our people are awesome and wonderful. They know how to show forth praise. We are seeking the Lord for revival! »

Somebody asked about Rapture Doctrine here but i cant find…

Somebody asked about Rapture Doctrine here but i cant find…

Somebody asked about Rapture Doctrine here but i cant find the post. So i will just leave this link here: »