Month: June 2023

The Santa Rosa Correctional Main Unit and Annex In Milton Florida Holds 2,500 Inmates And Their Chaplain Just Contacted Us Looking For Bibles

The Santa Rosa Correctional Institution and Annex houses 2,500 inmates and I would love for us to give every single one of them a King James Bible.  The Santa Rosa Correctional Institution and Annex is located in Milton, Florida, and houses up to 2,500 inmates at any given time. Senior Chaplain Gary Wieborg wrote to […] The post The Santa Rosa Correctional Main Unit and Annex In Milton Florida Hol... »

Do you know someone called to ministry?

96 Do you know someone called to ministry? Then check this out!<!-- ... »

A Short Story: A woman caught up in the middle…

A Short Story: A woman caught up in the middle of the night dreaming. She saw a Man standing before her, she thought that it was her father. The Man was clothed with pure white as snow and shining. The Man approached her in her dream and said, “I’m may not your daddy, but I’m your Father” He then added, “Go, warn the people about the coming rapture.” Earlier in ... »

This Day, June 7, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

JUNE 7 421: Theodosius II, the Emperor whose code sought to reinforce Christianity as the state religion at the expense of Judaism, married Aelia Eudocia Augusta, a pagan who converted so that they could be married by the Church. 1099:  During t... »