Month: June 2023

Once again today I have been listening to a Church…

Once again today I have been listening to a Church of God pastor preach to his Sunday morning audience. He was handsome, well dressed and could drop in a few greek words here and there and in general meet every expectation of a COG preacher. What was different was his emphasis on the mind of the spirit. He looked out at the audience and said,” you are here by assignment.” ” In Go... »

Where are the holiness & Pentecostal churches? Why are they…

Where are the holiness & Pentecostal churches? Why are they…

Where are the holiness & Pentecostal churches? Why are they not crying out against this terrible blight of sin that is swelling throughout our country? 500,000 participates matching were not just from Columbus, Ohio. They came from throughout the entire country to march in this parade, as well as these same people march in other Gay parades in the nation. They are quite successful in creating... »

Are there executive council members (18) getting a greater salary…

Are there executive council members (18) getting a greater salary than any of the executive committee members? »

I am thankful that I was protected from pedophilia in…

I am thankful that I was protected from pedophilia in the Church of God. The Holy Spirit protected me by His mercy. That mercy was not provided for every young man in that church. The church provided no protection in the 60’s. They buried their heads in the sand. »