Month: June 2023

The April issue of the Evangel told of a CoG…

The April issue of the Evangel told of a CoG that had these words in their mission statement. ” We are a house of mercy. We will advocate for broken and marginalized people anywhere inside or outside the church.” What do you think of that statement and would you like a similar one in your church mission statement? »

it's a fact, not bragging, you only wish you had…

it’s a fact, not bragging, you only wish you had a wife as holy as my wife. She has stood by me through many trying years as a COG minister. Fellows if you have half the wife I have you are going to be successful COG ministers! Fact! »

Here is a chart of the Fig Tree rapture position….

Here is a chart of the Fig Tree rapture position….

Here is a chart of the Fig Tree rapture position. Just for discussion purposes »

Watch this Indonesian overseer prayer at 29:19 he seemed to…

Watch this Indonesian overseer prayer at 29:19 he seemed to be speaking in tongues and the translator himself spoke in tongues on command of the overseer’s tongues at the 29:19 minute mark. What do you think Link Hudson? »