Month: June 2023

theology July 21, 2016 Church of GOD misses historic opportunity…

theology July 21, 2016 Church of GOD misses historic opportunity…

Troy Day writes the following article. It certainly appears that this was a major issue among many people, in particular, the women. However, something to be realized is there is just as much, if not more, strong feelings on the opposite side in the CoG. theology July 21, 2016 Church of GOD misses historic opportunity to allow women as ordained bishops to the ministry Posted by in Facebook’s... »

Princeton Church Live Stream

Princeton Church Live Stream


I have had some wonderful experiences in the CoG. General…

I have had some wonderful experiences in the CoG. General Offices was always most kind and gracious to me. »

Sunday Live!

Sunday Live! Thank you for joining us today for service! Our prayer is no matter where you may be watching from, you would feel the love, hope, and presence of Jesus right where you are. _________ #citylifechurch #tonystewart #kacistewart #tampa #florida 1ST TIME VIEWER CARD: ONLINE GIVING: citylifeKIDS ONLINE: »