Month: June 2023

Besides my father my favorite Church of God man is…

Besides my father my favorite Church of God man is…

Besides my father my favorite Church of God man is Jack Durham. He and his wife were charter members, 1916, of my home COG in McMinnville, Tennessee. He was the charter clerk for the church, became an evangelist and later became a bishop in the COG. From the beginning he and his wife served as faithful SS teachers. He preached in the surrounding communities and filled in as pastor in the absence o... »

Old Testament Proof of the Coming of Christ – PART 2

Old Testament Proof of the Coming of Christ – PART 2

Perry Stone teaches on the rapture. »

This Day, June 2, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

June 2 876 BCE (28 Iyar 2884): This is the traditional date of death of Samuel, prophet and priest (born 2832). 455:  The Vandals entered Rome and plundered the city.  Among the treasures they took with them were the spoils of the Second T... »

#OurCOG Christians… #flashoflight means Rapture is imminent… I repeat Raptu #ourCOG

#OurCOG Christians… #flashoflight means Rapture is imminent… I repeat Raptu #ourCOG »