Month: June 2023

Linda carol McGlothlin, Manassas, Va.

Rev. Linda carol McGlothlin, an ordained minister from Manassas, Va., passed away on June 24, 2022. The post Linda carol McGlothlin, Manassas, Va. appeared first on Church Of God. »

King James Version of the Bible.

Today we follow up on an interesting fact about the King James Version of the Bible. First, up front, I am not in any... »

Five Ways Hurricane Sandy Could Affect the Election

As Hurricane Sandy targets the East Coast, nearly 8,000 airline flights have been cancelled. Mass closures of schools and public transit systems have resulted; hundreds of thousands of residents have been told to evacuate their homes. Federal government offices in the Washington area are closed today. The New York Stock Exchange is closing its trading floor as well, its first weather-related closu... »

Defense of Pre-Tribulation Rapture

Defense of Pre-Tribulation Rapture

A few days ago there was discussion on here concerning the timing of the rapture. Here is a teaching from last night at our local church Bible study. »