Month: June 2023

Revival Harvest Campaign 2014 in Varna and Signing of the Scrolls

Revival Harvest Campaign 2014 in Varna and Signing of the Scrolls

SECOND VARNA DECLARATION (October 5, 2014) We, The believers from different churches in Bulgaria declare on this day of October 5th 2014 in the city of Varna, That we, according to The Holy Scriptures, will do our best to “fulfill the vows to the Lord” (Psalm 116:14), which were written and signed by 5,000 believers […] »

Harold Camping is not the only one waiting for Armageddon.

In the last few days, those of us in evangelical/Pentecostal circles have laughed along with most everybody else in the world at Harold Camping’s expense. We’ve laughed at the folly of a notorious doomsday prophet who already has ruined people’s lives with false predictions about the end of the world before, and marveled that there [...] »

Worship Leader, Warsaw, Va.

Are you looking for a fresh start in a peaceful rural setting? Are you looking for an opportunity to gain experience in a leadership role and to put your talents […] The post Worship Leader, Warsaw, Va. appeared first on Church Of God. »

The Tribulation, The Treaty and the Temple | Episode #1164 | Perry Stone

The Tribulation, The Treaty and the Temple | Episode #1164 | Perry Stone

Watch the latest Manna-Fest episode with Perry Stone. This episode was filmed in the studio in Cleveland, TN. #perrystone #mannafest #prophecy Perry Stone or anyone from our ministry will never comment on YouTube asking for money. If you see someone do this, it is a SCAM and please report to YouTube directly. Thank you! PSM Website: PSTV: Facebook: ht... »