Month: June 2023

RAPTURE: Bridegroom Comes for His Bride

RAPTURE: Bridegroom Comes for His Bride

When the bridegroom’s father deemed the wedding chamber ready, the father would tell the bridegroom that all was ready and to get His bride. The bridegroom would abduct his bride secretly, like a thief at night and take her to the wedding chamber. As the bridegroom approached the bride’s home, he would shout and blow the shofar (ram’s horn trumpet) so that she had some warning to gather her belong... »

Living on Sabbath Time: Day 27/31

Living on Sabbath Time: Day 27/31

Numbers 16:24  “You take too much upon yourselves, you sons of Levi!” I love a story that President Reagan told showing how he learned the need for decision making early in his life.  When he was young, a kind aunt took him to have a pair of shoes custom made.  The shoemaker asked him if he [...] »

Our Visit to Bridgepointe Church

Our Visit to Bridgepointe Church

In our effort to learn all we can as we get set to launch Mt Paran North Canton, I set up some visits to a few churches that had been recommended to me, and that do portable church in schools. Our first visit was to Bridgepointe Church. They meet in Woodstock High [...] »

Biblical Evidence for the Pre-Tribulation Catching Away | Episode 778

Biblical Evidence for the Pre-Tribulation Catching Away | Episode 778
