Month: June 2023

A Three-fingered Prayer

“Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.” _Oswald Chambers As a child it … »

The Biggest Sign The Tribulation Is Coming | Perry Stone

The Biggest Sign The Tribulation Is Coming | Perry Stone

It is happening right now and will begin increasing in 2022. Watch it here. Don’t forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, and Share this video! #perrystone #prophecy #mannafest Perry Stone or anyone from our ministry will never comment on YouTube asking for money. If you see someone do this, it is a SCAM, and please report to YouTube directly. Thank you! PSM Website: PSTV... »

No this is not yet the GREAT Tribulation! 1st Rapture…

No this is not yet the GREAT Tribulation! 1st Rapture…

No this is not yet the GREAT Tribulation! 1st Rapture (Rev.14:14-16; 19:7), 2nd AntiChrist revealed (Rev.13:11-18), {2Thes.2:1-8}-he will not be revealed until the church is taken out of the way 3rd 7 year GREAT Tribulation (Rev.13:5; 16), 4th Second Coming (Rev.19:11-21), 5th 1000 Year Reign (Rev.20:4-6), 6th Final Rebellion of Mankind & Earth/Heavens annihilated/destroyed by fire (Rev. 20:7... »

This Day, June 24, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

JUNE 24 586 BCE (9th of Tammuz, 3174): King Nebuchadnezzar’s army broke through the walls of Jerusalem and entered the City of David. 1182: Phillip II, the seventeen year old French monarch “decreed the total expulsion of Jews from all royal possess... »