Month: June 2023

The Apostolic Faith (May, 1908)

The Apostolic Faith (May, 1908)

Ireland Both Belfast and Bangor have been visited with Pentecost. England In the past year, news comes that probably 5OO people have received the Pentecost in England. China We hear from South China that about 1OO have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and they now have a paper in the Chinese called “Pentecostal Truths,” which is being scattered [...] »

RT @Cog_Swagger: #ourCOG judging by the camp meeting schedule, L. Livingston must be the most pentecostal pastor. …

RT @Cog_Swagger: #ourCOG judging by the camp meeting schedule, L. Livingston must be the most pentecostal pastor. ... »

Ricky Grimsley has stated that if I keep posting CoG…

Ricky Grimsley has stated that if I keep posting CoG…

Ricky Grimsley has stated that if I keep posting CoG ordained bishops wive’s pictures I am going to have hands laid on me. I laid in bed last night pondering this “threat”. Maybe I am kicking a dead mule and everyone knows that’s useless! The Church of God does not look to externals anymore so it doesn’t matter what a bishop’s wife looks. Her husband is the publ... »

When did the church change in your opinion ? What…

When did the church change in your opinion ? What should be the churches main focus ? »