Month: August 2023
I ask you to read this post, I never wanted…
I ask you to read this post, I never wanted to comment over this issue which has been going on and attracted a lot of debates and views. I will be as brief as possible. Feel free to ask me after you read “SHOULD WE TITHE AND GIVE OFFERING IN TIME OF FAMINE OR CRISIS LIKE THIS?” before answering this question, one should know what tithe and offering mean and used for. Tithe and offering... »
Dr. Tim Hill Calls for “Day of Prayer” on July 12
96 Dr. Tim Hill Calls for “Day of Prayer” on July 12 ... »
This is long but it is an interesting read about…
This is long but it is an interesting read about the 1927 perspective of the need of the COG! 11:OO. Sermon by J. S. Llewellyn. The General Overseer announced that we had reached the place and time on t%e program for Brother Llewellyn to speak on, The Need of the Hour. NOTES FROM HIS ADDRESS Text, “The hour cometh and now is.” John 4:21. All of the saints are earnestly requested to pra... »