Feeling Criticized? You Can Still Praise God! #shorts
Feeling criticized? You can still praise God! #praise #worship #critics »
Feeling criticized? You can still praise God! #praise #worship #critics »
Minister of Music Steve Allen lead the Westmore congregation in Praise and Worship. Praise and Worship songs: “Praise” “Faithful Now” “Gratitude” Choir song: “He’s Been Faithful” with Debbie Sheeks 🛎 Subscribe to this channel for inspiring messages and powerful praise and worship: https://www.youtube.com/westmorechurc…. For more informati... »
Cross-country storm spans over 1,500 miles as Thanksgiving travel woes continue A powerful storm system that moved across the U.S., brought rain, high winds, snow and severe storms to over 30 states during the Thanksgiving Day week. The sprawling storm made travel occasionally difficult for the 55.4 million Americans traveling by road or air. FlightAware […] The post 22 Nov 2023 appeared first on ... »
If you enjoy the message we put out, make sure to subscribe to our channel. Omega Center International is an Evangelical convention center in Cleveland, TN, that is home to the Ramp at OCI. Make sure to watch our live streams Tuesdays at 7:00 PM. Follow us on Facebook at the Ramp at OCI for more information. If you would like to give to the ministry, please visit: https://pushpay.com/g/rampclevela... »