2024 Solar Eclipse: Coincidence or Final Warning? :: By Jonathan Brentner

What’s likely to become the biggest travel event during 2024 in America? Some might think it would be the Super Bowl or another sporting event, such as the Indianapolis 500. However, according to the Washington Post, it will be the solar eclipse that will cross the U.S. on April 8, 2024.

This eclipse sparks added interest among prophecy watchers because of its relationship to another darkening of the sun that occurred on August 21, 2017. The two eclipses, seven years apart, will form an X on America intersecting at Little Egypt, a small town in southern Illinois.

Is this just a coincidence, or is it the Lord’s way of alerting America that judgment is on the way?

The Coincidence

The pattern of two solar eclipses forming an X over the U.S. also happened in the early 1800s. Remarkably, the intersection of this century’s solar eclipses will be about one hundred miles from where those of the nineteenth century crossed paths.

The first solar eclipse occurred on June 16, 1806, with the second completing the X on September 17, 1811. The intersection happened over the New Madrid fault area, which includes an area from Cairo in southern Illinois to nearby New Madrid, MO.

On December 16, 1811, just three months after the second solar eclipse, a series of devastating earthquakes struck along the New Madrid fault line. The following quote comes from the New Madrid, MO, website:

The New Madrid earthquakes were the biggest earthquakes in American history. They occurred in the central Mississippi Valley but were felt as far away as New York City, Boston, Montreal, and Washington D.C. President James Madison and his wife Dolly felt them in the White House. Church bells rang in Boston. From December 16, 1811, through March of 1812, there were over 2,000 earthquakes in the central Midwest and between 6,000-10,000 earthquakes in the Bootheel of Missouri, where New Madrid is located near the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers.

In the known history of the world, no other earthquakes have lasted so long or produced so much evidence of damage as the New Madrid earthquakes. Three of the earthquakes are on the list of America’s top earthquakes: the first one on December 16, 1811, a magnitude of 8.1 on the Richter scale; the second on January 23, 1812, at 7.8; and the third on February 7, 1812, at as much as 8.8 magnitude.[i]

Could the upcoming completion of an X across the U.S. midsection by the April 8, 2024, eclipse point to another catastrophe in the months afterward?

Is this just an uncanny coincidence or something more ominous?

Final Warning?

I believe this year’s solar eclipse, which will complete an X over the U.S., signifies the nearness of God’s judgment. I say this for a couple of reasons.

First, we live during a time of unprecedented moral decay in the U.S. that has corrupted the majority of politicians in our government. Despite the reversal of Roe versus Wade, the shedding of innocent blood continues and now exceeds a total of sixty-two million babies murdered in the womb since 1973. Both sex trafficking and pedophilia continue unabated in the U.S., with the Biden administration unashamedly promoting the LGBTQ+ agenda both in America and all across the world.

The U.S. President is putting extreme pressure on Israel to give up its pursuit of the Hamas terrorists and agree to a two-state solution, which he says is the only path to peace. The Bible, however, tells us that the Lord will deal harshly with any nation that pursues such a policy that results in the dividing of His Land.

Second, we live in the shadow of the seven-year Tribulation when the entire earth will experience the fury of God’s wrath. Those who know and believe the words of biblical prophecy recognize the myriad of signs telling us that this time is ever so near. It’s certain that the Lord will bring much destruction to America during this time, but does the upcoming solar eclipse signify the nearness of this time? Is it God’s final warning to America? Only time will tell.

We know that the Lord’s wrath will fall on the U.S.; we just don’t know when. It could be this week, next month, this year, or later. We do know that at any moment, Jesus will come for His own, and sudden destruction will fall upon the unsuspecting world (1 Thessalonians 5:1-10).

If you have not yet put your trust in Jesus, please, please read my post, Jesus Is the Only Path to Eternal Life. In it, I explain how you can know that Jesus has forgiven all your sins and that you possess eternal life and with the sure hope of receiving an immortal and incorruptible body at Jesus’ appearing (1 Corinthians 15:48-54).

Please don’t delay; call upon Jesus while you may! Tomorrow may be too late to avoid the death and destruction that will sweep over the world.

The April 8, 2024, solar eclipse may not be the Lord’s final warning for an unsuspecting nation and world, but then again, it might be.


Note: In Hereafter, It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine, Terry James and I describe the future glory that awaits us as believers, beginning with Jesus’ appearing to take us home. From beginning to end, we emphasize the jubilant joy that awaits us in Heaven. The last chapter contains twenty-seven frequently asked questions and answers pertaining to Heaven and our experience there. (The book is now available for pre-order.)

Note: Please consider signing up for my newsletter on the home page of my website at https://www.jonathanbrentner.com/. Th

[i] City of New Madrid, MO, website: http://www.new-madrid.mo.us/132/Strange-Happenings-during-the-Earthquake


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