Month: March 2024

Crosspoint Interview on “Hereafter” with Terry James

The Crosspoint interview (radio broadcast) between Terry James and Mark Taylor regarding the “Hereafter” is available online. The interview can be downloaded or listened to through our podcast link: Mark talks to Terry James, who has been blind since 1993, about his new book Hereafter: It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine. Hereafte... »

Daniel 9:24-27 Prophecy: Weeks or Sevens? :: By Randy Nettles

Many believe that Daniel 9:24-27 is the most important passage of prophecy in all of Scripture. No prophecy in the whole Bible is more critical to our understanding of the end times than these four verses. There are many different interpretations of the historical timing of the events that transpire within these four verses. This article examines […] The post Daniel 9:24-27 Prophecy: Weeks or Seve... »

The Mockers Are Multiplying :: By Rick Segoine

Here we are on Planet Earth, this beautiful little world that looks like a shining blue and white ball from outer space, this absolutely beautiful planet that was spoken into existence by the second person in the Holy Trinity on behalf of the first and the third persons – the Father, the Father’s Only Begotten […] The post The Mockers Are Multiplying :: By Rick Segoine appeared first on Rapture Re... »

The End is Near, But Maybe Not Yet :: By Sean Gooding

Matthew 24: 3-8 3 “Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?’4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one […] The post The End is Near, But Maybe Not Yet :: By Sean Gooding appeared first on Rapture Ready. »