Month: March 2024

Students, Faculty, Alumni Attend Conference at Belmont Abbey College  

Students, faculty, and alumni from Lee University recently traveled with the Center for Responsible Citizenship (CRC) to Belmont, North Carolina, to attend a Jack Miller Center conference hosted by the […] The post Students, Faculty, Alumni Atten... »

Free Will Ministries

T D Jakes is a Unitarian, a modalist, “One God, but manifest in…three different ways, Father in creation, Son in redemption, Holy Spirit in regeneration.” This is called “Jesus Only” doctrine. He is a charismatic minister emphasizing divine prosperity and health. Charles T. Russell, founder of the Jehovah Witnesses, is a Unitarian. He believes that Jesus as son of God... »

Church of God Indiana Launches Assembly Prayer Campaign

Church of God Indiana Launches Assembly Prayer Campaign ... »

A Church Split, A Mop Bucket & The Bridge To Reconciliation

I went into my second pastorate when I had just turned 29. When asked, I wouldn’t even tell people my age until I got into my 30’s... »