Month: May 2024

This Day, May 27, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

May 27 1096 (3rd of Sivan): Count Emicho and the Crusaders entered Mayence, Germany. The Jews took refuge in the Episcopal Palace and committed mass suicide rather than convert. One Jew by the name of Isaac, his two daughters and a friend called Uriah... »

NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Reaching The Jews With The Gospel Means First Teaching Them Their Own Scriptures And Reacquainting Them With The Prophets

NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Reaching The Jews With The Gospel Means First Teaching Them Their Own Scriptures And Reacquainting Them With The Prophets

The wall you are up against in witnessing to the Jews is a wall that is 4,000 years thick, but don’t get discouraged, there is a way to reach them. Rabbi Tovia Singer is a well-known and outspoken anti-Christian Jewish advocate, and like many rabbis, he has very little idea of what the Bible talks […] The post NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Reaching The Jews With The Gospel Means First Teaching Them Thei... »

R3 2024 Recap

R3 2024 Recap


Praise The Lord, He Has Provided A Brand-New Home For The NTEB Bookstore In The Beautiful And Historic Downtown Of Palatka Here In Florida

Praise The Lord, He Has Provided A Brand-New Home For The NTEB Bookstore In The Beautiful And Historic Downtown Of Palatka Here In Florida

We are so excited to be moving the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore to the beautiful and historic town of Palatka, Florida For the better part of a year, we have searched and searched for a new location for our Bookstore, and every time we thought we had locked in on a place, upon further inspection […] The post Praise The Lord, He Has Provided A Brand-New Home For The NTEB Bookstore In The Beautifu... »