Month: June 2024

The Power of True Worship

The Power of True Worship

Pastor Shane Brown gives a Bible-based teaching explaining what true worship is. »

The Insanity Gene :: By Terry James

Let me assure at the outset of today’s venture into the blogosphere. I by no means intend to be disparaging of or demeaning to those with hereditary or other mental disorders of any sort. It is the Spiritual health to which I refer by the use of the article’s title, not the physical. That said, I must state […] The post The Insanity Gene :: By Terry James appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

The World According to Isaiah 5:20 :: By Rick Segoine

This Old Testament scripture from the book of Isaiah jumps off of the pages in full view of anyone paying attention to world events here in the year 2024. “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet […] The post The World According to Isaiah 5:20 :: By Rick Segoine appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

Fifth Gospel of Isaiah: Condemnation, Correction :: By Dr. Donald Whitchard

Isaiah 5:20-21; Judges 21:25; Romans 1:18-22 Summary: Isaiah confronted the nation of Judah for its spiritual depravity and worldviews that turned the nation into a complete disaster with no concept of right and wrong. The LORD called Isaiah as His chosen vessel to warn Judah and call them back to God. “Woe to those who […] The post Fifth Gospel of Isaiah: Condemnation, Correction :: By Dr. Donald... »