Month: June 2024

Step Into Your Responsibility

Step Into Your Responsibility

To hear more inspiring messages from Jentezen Franklin, visit & subscribe to this channel: Tell us more about what’s going on in your life: Let us pray with you: Share your testimony to encourage us and others: »

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Obama Comes To Biden’s Rescue With $30+ Million Fundraiser But It Ends With ‘Frozen Joe’ Being Led Away By The Hand

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Obama Comes To Biden’s Rescue With $30+ Million Fundraiser But It Ends With ‘Frozen Joe’ Being Led Away By The Hand

Joe Biden years ago said he would gladly offer himself up as a ‘political prostitute’, and here at the end of his life, as his mind and body continue to fail, they have taken him up on his offer. White House residents and Hollywood megastars shared the stage inside Los Angeles’ Peacock Theater on Saturday […] The post NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Obama Comes To Biden’s Rescue With $30+ Million Fund... »

Have you ever sat through a sermon and asked yourself….

…what am I doing here? It happened to me yesterday when what was supposed to be a Father’s Day message turned into a political rant about abortion, the alphabet groups, and how we need to be thinking now about the upcoming presidential election and get... »

This Day, June 18, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

JUNE 18 1155: In Rome, the coronation of Frederick Barbarossa makes him the Holy Roman Emperor. Compared to other medieval monarchs, Frederick’s treatment of his Jewish subjects was comparatively benign. Frederick viewed the Jews as “his subjects” whi... »