Month: June 2024

Mohammed bin Salman Makes Stunning Announcement That Saudi Arabia Will Not Be Renewing 50-Year Old Petro Dollar Deal With United States

Mohammed bin Salman Makes Stunning Announcement That Saudi Arabia Will Not Be Renewing 50-Year Old Petro Dollar Deal With United States

The petrodollar system originated during the Yom Kippur war in 1973 when the US, facing economic challenges and an oil embargo, struck a deal with Saudi Arabia. One of the main things that gives the United States global dominance is the fact that the US dollar is the world’s reserve currency. In 1973, the Petro Dollar System […] The post Mohammed bin Salman Makes Stunning Announcement That Saudi A... »

Pentecostal Pioneers Remembered British And Irish Pioneers Of Pentecost

166 Book Reviews / Pneuma 33 (2011) 109-169 Keith Malcomson, Pentecostal Pioneers Remembered: British and Irish Pioneers of Pentecost (Longwood, Fla.: Xulon Press, 2008).... »

Juan M. B. Gutierrez: Judaizing Jesus

Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez, Judaizing Jesus: Radical Jewish Approaches to Christianity (Grand Prairie, TX: Yaron Publishing, 2019), ISBN 9781705609019. New Testament readers are all too familiar with the concept of judiazers, those who attempt to f... »

The Holy Spirit’s stirring up Samson’s anointing in Judges 14:3-4 Vs (Galatians 5:16-17) flesh battling Spirit & (Isaiah 55:8-9)God’s Higher thoughts

(Judges 14:1-4) (New American Standard Bible 1995) Then Samson went down to Timnah and saw a woman in Timnah, one of the daughters of the Philistines. 2 So he came [a]back and told his father and [b]mother, “I saw a woman in Timnah, one o... »