Month: June 2024

This Day, June 12, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

JUNE 12 816: Leo III, the Pope whose aggressive plan to crown Charlemagne gave the Jews of the Rhineland a comparatively benign ruler, passed away today. 1240: Nicholas Donin, a renegade Jew under the patronage of Louis IX, convinced Pope Gregory IX ... »

In That Day :: By Randy Nettles

The day of the Lord, a pivotal concept in the Bible, signifies a time of divine judgment or visitation from the Lord. It is a period when God confronts wicked men directly and decisively, often with fearful judgment. This divine intervention can be directed toward foreign entities (nations or Gentiles), God’s chosen people (the Jews), or […] The post In That Day :: By Randy Nettles appeared first ... »

See To It That No One Deceives You :: By The Gospelist

According to an article by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., there is a war for the minds of all of humanity. He has asserted that governments, the mainstream media and nonprofits, which are legion, are part of a “vast censorship network” that suppressed non-establishment perspectives on the flu bug hysteria and a wide range of other topics. […] The post See To It That No One Deceives You :: By The Gospe... »

Walking the Straight and Narrow :: By Holly Spate

In this hectic world we find ourselves in, it is so easy to quickly become distracted. There are so many things in this life that take up our valuable time… so many things that compete for our undivided attention… so many things that continually tug at us. If not careful, we can find ourselves knee-deep […] The post Walking the Straight and Narrow :: By Holly Spate appeared first on Rapture Ready. »