Month: July 2024

Is it biblically acceptable for a married couple to choose not to have kids or actively limit the number of kids they have?

There are some denominations that consider all family planning a sin. Do you think the Bible makes it clear that contraceptives that do not abort a viable pregnancy are a sin? Are today's Christians still under a command to be fruitful and multiply or can we consider the earth to be replenished at this point? submitted by /u/ViewFromThePew78 [link] [comments] »

The Coming Transformation of Israel :: By Paul J. Scharf

There will be a great spiritual transformation of Israel before Christ’s final return. Those before us in Dispensational Theology developed the scriptural conviction that the people of Israel will one day be saved as a nation in their Promised Land. Dispensationalists taught this boldly—as was the case when The Friends of Israel was born in […] The post The Coming Transformation of Israel :: By Pa... »

When Looking Back IS Looking Ahead :: By Dave Hubley

(There is a special message at the end of this article for those who might happen to read this and do not have Jesus in their life and are looking for peace and a way to better understand the present-day insanity and confusion.) A distinction must be made between the context of looking back for […] The post When Looking Back IS Looking Ahead :: By Dave Hubley appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

Praise, Salvation, Encouragement, and Thankfulness :: By Dale V. Nobbman

This is a compilation of four short articles covering the topics of praise, salvation, encouragement, and thankfulness. It’s my prayer that at least one or more of these articles will be a blessing to you. JESUS IS MY SUPERHERO The world today is filled with phony, make-believe superheroes. However, compared to Jesus Christ, they are […] The post Praise, Salvation, Encouragement, and Thankfulness ... »