Month: July 2024

Murray Receives COG Distinguished Educator Award

Dr. Debbie Murray, provost and chief academic officer at Lee University, was recently honored with the Distinguished Educator Award for Leadership during the 79th International General Assembly of the Church […] The post Murray Receives COG Disti... »


Due to our life style we visit different church facilities other than our own home church. One would be blind to not see that we have some great facilities that have lost attendees. WE visited one lately that when we visited a few years ago was well attended. This time the attendance was much less than 100, it seats at least 300. My home church falls in that category also. Our Wed service is in th... »

This Day, July 29, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

July 29 1099:  Pope Urban II, the man behind the First Crusade, passed away.  Considering the impact of the Crusades on the Jews of Europe, his impact on Jewish history is self-obvious. 1108: Philip I, King of France one of whose subjects R... »

NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Is The Man Of Sin About To Be Revealed? Let’s Open Our King James Bibles And Find Out, You Just Might Be Surprised!

NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Is The Man Of Sin About To Be Revealed? Let’s Open Our King James Bibles And Find Out, You Just Might Be Surprised!

The Bible has a lot to say about the man of sin who, after he’s revealed, becomes the son of perdition which is Antichrist. Ready or not, he’s coming. In my Sunday Service message this morning at Bethany Baptist Church, I preached on the revealing of the man of sin and how it might happen […] The post NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Is The Man Of Sin About To Be Revealed? Let’s Open Our King James Bibles ... »