Month: July 2024

Global Prayer Center | 7.25.2024

Global Prayer Center | 7.25.2024

Join us live for corporate prayer from our Global Prayer Center. To submit prayer requests, visit To donate to the ministry, visit »

This Day, July 26, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

July 26   412: “Emperors Theodosius II and Honorius ban compulsion of public service or court appearances for Jews on the Sabbath or any other Jewish holy day. Thus all legal issues involving Jews must be completed between Monday and Friday, and... »

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: We Are Watching The Season Finale Of The United States Of America

NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: We Are Watching The Season Finale Of The United States Of America

If America was a reality show, you are watching the season finale of the closing act of the greatest nation on Earth From its inception in 2009, Now The End Begins featured end times news through the filter of the King James Bible, and warned of the coming fall of the United States of America. […] The post NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: We Are Watching The Season Finale Of The United States Of Americ... »

Democrat Activists Write ‘Hamas Is Coming’ On The Christopher Columbus Memorial Fountain at Union Station, Tear Down & Burn American Flags

Anti-Israel activists vandalized Washington DC landmarks in protest of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address before Congress Wednesday, defacing them with pro-Hamas slogans and pulling down the Stars and Stripes and replacing them with Palestinian flags. Americans in 2024 just need to get comfortable with the idea that civil war is about to break about in cities all […] The post Democrat Act... »