Month: July 2024

Don’t Be Afraid of the Truth

How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge. Proverbs … »

24 July 2024

Storms drench millions along 1,000-mile stretch from Texas to mid-Atlantic Torrential rain and thunderstorms are continuing to make life miserable for tens of millions of people across the South, from Texas to the Southeast and mid-Atlantic, as a stalled-out cold front and deep tropical moisture combine to produce copious amounts of precipitation that has led to flooding in many parts of the regio... »

Finishing The Task :: By The Gospelist

Perhaps one of the most frightening groups to participate in last-days deception is the pseudo-Christian group “Finishing the Task (FTT).” This group was launched in 2005 with the stated goal of reaching the “unengaged, unreached people groups (UUPG’s) in the world by 2025.” We are led to believe that it is their intention to “Finish […] The post Finishing The Task :: By The Gospelist appeared fir... »

Like a Snowball In Summer :: By Dale V. Nobbman

The United States presidential election is coming up on November 5, 2024. We need to make it a ‘vote heard around the world‘ and defeat the Democrats. America is greatly hurting and in real peril after four years of weak, misguided, and wicked ways leadership under the current administration. However, God says, “If my people […] The post Like a Snowball In Summer :: By Dale V. Nobbman appeared fir... »