Month: July 2024

21 July 2024

Massive Saharan dust plume reaches Florida, U.S.  A massive Saharan dust plume reached South Florida on July 20, 2024, causing reduced air quality and hazy skies. Rain is also forecasted for the weekend, and the mix of dust and precipitation is expected to bring dirty rains to Florida. Bright fireball over Massachusetts, U.S.  A bright […] The post 21 July 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

22 Jul 2024

Droning On The attack this week—in the middle of Tel Aviv!—is an indication of just how much Israel’s enemies have progressed in their tactical abilities. Frankly, the fact that it was a drone is particularly troubling. The bombing occurred at an apartment building, killing one and wounding eight. This wasn’t some field outside Ashkelon, or […] The post 22 Jul 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

Peace In the Midst of Chaos :: By Nathele Graham

As I write this, I’m trying to process the events of the last few hours. There was an attempt to assassinate Mr. Trump. Thank God he survived! The bullet hit Mr. Trump’s ear, very close to his head. I’m very thankful the bullet didn’t kill him but saddened that others were killed and wounded. I’ve […] The post Peace In the Midst of Chaos :: By Nathele Graham appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

Breathtaking Speed :: By Daymond Duck

On July 10, 2024, it was reported that a large TV station (Auf1) with outlets in Germany and Austria that opposes forced COVID-19 vaccinations, transhumanism, climate hysteria, the Great Reset, and more has had 8 bank accounts shut down in recent weeks. Stefan Magnet (the station founder and editor-in-chief) said: We were already a painful […] The post Breathtaking Speed :: By Daymond Duck appeare... »