Month: July 2024

This Day, July 21, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

July 21 285: Diocletian appoints Maximian as Caesar, co-ruler. This was part of an attempt to shore up the imperial authority.  In another such step, Diocletian “ordered all the people …to accept his divinity and offer sacrifices to him.  Fo... »

As Democrats Protest Outside Of White House Calling For Biden To Step Down, The Buzz Is That Hillary Clinton Will Replace Him As Nominee At DNC

Democrats just might want to replace President Joe Biden as the 2024 Democratic nominee with Hillary Rodham Clinton at the DNC. Today over in front of the Biden White House, a very large and passionate group of Democrat protestors gathered to chant, in unison, “Hey hey, ho ho, thank you, Joe, it’s time to go!”. […] The post As Democrats Protest Outside Of White House Calling For Biden To Step Down... »

22 July 2024

Reset or Rapture? Geopolitical dynamics are at a fever pitch. That is, there is chaos in every direction we look. There is a sense of a mighty shaking within the stratospheric global powers that be. Rather than making great progress toward instituting their much-ballyhooed Great Reset, those powers are, while God restrains, bumping in a lurching fashion […] The post 22 July 2024 appeared first on ... »

22 July 2024

A Time of Unprecedented Chaos APOSTASY AND DOCTRINES OF DEMONS Rejection of biblical truth in the church should be met with a trumpet, not a whisper. Jude urges us to contend for the faith against those seeking to undermine it. To be delivered from error, one must be confronted with truth. Winking at sin: To […] The post 22 July 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready. »