Month: July 2024

Do We Have Time to Make America Great Again? :: By Jan Markell

For now, the whole country has dodged a bullet. God surely had mercy. But will he allow time to make America great again? It’s a catchy campaign slogan, but is it reality in light of God’s end-time planned scenario? The Left has a terribly dark heart—driven by the god of this world. And they are […] The post Do We Have Time to Make America Great Again? :: By Jan Markell appeared first on Rapture R... »

Justice and Righteousness :: By Susan Mouw

Reading that passage in Matthew gives us a hint of what is to come in the second half of the Tribulation, “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:21). (emphasis added) So the level of […] The post Justice and Righteousness :: By Susan Mouw appeared first on Rapture Ready. »

The Seven “I Am” Statements In John :: By Jack Kelley

A Bible Study by Jack Kelley In part 1, The Seven Miracles In John, I showed how John selected these seven miracles specifically for their ability to help us believe that Jesus is who He claimed to be and that by believing, we might have eternal life. In addition to these seven miracles, John’s gospel contains seven […] The post The Seven “I Am” Statements In John :: By Jack Kelley appeared first ... »

This Day, July 18, in Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L

July 18 64: During the reign of Emperor Nero, the Great Fire begins in Rome.  After the fire, Nero avoided the initial inclination to blame the blaze on the Jews.  Instead, he targeted the nascent Christian sect which had recently become act... »