Month: July 2024

The Wounded Beast Is Donald Trump?

For centuries, man has endeavored to lend credence and meaning to the Biblical references of The Antichrist and to find the answers to the... »

He Was a Humble Man :: By C. Gray Adams

Jesus came to earth in the humblest of ways, a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lain in a manger (Luke 2:12). He was not born in a palace with servants scurrying to and fro in order to care for His every wish, even though He was the King of Kings ... »

Worship Leader, Douglas, GA

The Sanctuary in Douglas, GA, seeks a skilled and passionate Worship Leader to join our team. The ideal candidate should be able to lead and flow as the worship leader, […] The post Worship Leader, Douglas, GA appeared first on Church Of God. »

16 July 2024

Denver breaks 146-year heat record as temperature soars to 38.3 °C (101 °F), Colorado Denver broke the 146-year-old record for the hottest July 14 after hitting 38.3 °C (101 °F) at 12:56 local time (LT) on July 14, 2024. Just two days before that, it had also broken the record for the highest recorded temperature […] The post 16 July 2024 appeared first on Rapture Ready. »