Month: July 2024

7-12-2024 GA Today

Download 7-12-2024 GA Today Issue The post 7-12-2024 GA Today appeared first on Church Of God. »

General Assembly Leadership Survey: Who Gets It

Posted on May 5, 2008 by tomsterbens As mentioned in the other post, Five Questions to Ask Potential COG Leaders, we now need to determine the scope of solicitation. Who do we send the questions to The following questions are close to being the ones asked. I think they embody the spirit of what others have suggested. The last one is still uncertain (#5)…and then, I would like to add a #6 as shown ... »

Council of 18

Posted on August 6, 2008 by travjohnson So far, the Ordained Bishops have elected five men (4 are pastors/not under appointment by the EC): — Bryan Cutshall — Loran Livingstone — Bill Isaacs — Tony Scott — David Cooper Today will be interesting. Id like to say that well hit the mark of 13 pastors/Ordained Bishops who are not under direct appointment by the EC that wed... »

Biggest Opportunity for the COG! Whats Your Take

Posted on August 20, 2008 by travjohnson Emily Stone says that coming out of the General Assembly, weve been blowing off steam here on MissionalCOG. Id have to agree. Some of the main culprits can be found creating fodder for reformation critics who have begun gathering intel for the 2010 General Assembly in this thread. So, lets shift gears and help these church leaders get serious and move forwa... »