Year: 2024

Hereafter: New Book by Terry James and Jonathan Brentner!

HEREAFTER: It’s Far Better Than You Can Imagine  Understanding our lives in the Hereafter changes everything: The joy set before us strengthens our hearts for the many trials that come our way. Anticipation of the joyous reunions and jubilant celebrations in Heaven that will take place after the Rapture loosens our grip on the temporary things of […] The post Hereafter: New Book by Terry James and... »

It Was Necessary For God to Choose One People :: By Jonathan Brentner

Bible prophecy is all about Jesus, yet it revolves around Israel from start to finish. Although God first promised to send a Redeemer while Adam and Eve were still in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:15), He subsequently narrowed this prophetic focus to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, and then specifically to the lineage of King […] The post It Was Necessary For God to Choose One People :: By Jonathan ... »

Watchman River Tom’s Podcasts January 14-20, 2024

Watchman River Tom’s Podcasts January 14-20, 2024

Time Is Short. Let’s Pray Iran Says STOP! Tensions Rising in the Middle East “These Things” Have Begun To Happen. LOOK Up!  The Middle East Nightmare and the Coming Rapture!  Iran Moving Missiles. Dangerous Times! IRGC Officers Killed In Damascus STRIK... »

Some Things I Never Thought I Would See :: By Jan Markell

I’m at it again—mulling over the insanity of our day, even though such absurdities were predicted for the last days. I say a dozen times a day, “I never thought I would see the day.” Be honest. You do, too! Here’s my current list: I never thought I would see the day: When churches would see our mind-numbing […] The post Some Things I Never Thought I Would See :: By Jan Markell appeared first on Ra... »