Year: 2024

I Hear Lake Water Lapping

I Hear Lake Water Lapping

A life without a lonely place, that is, without a quiet center, becomes destructive.” _Henri Nouwen A quiet place. Whether … »

Did God the Father raise Christ from death (Acts 2:24), or did He have the power and ability to do that Himself (Jn. 10:18)?

With regard to His death and resurrection, Jesus stated (the Gospel of John): John 10:18, NASB: "No one has taken [My life] away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority t... »

Michael Brown: The Political Seduction of the Church

Michael L. Brown, The Political Seduction of the Church: How Millions of American Christians Have Confused Politics with the Gospel (Vide, 2022), ISBN 9781954618497 The last several years have seen a plethora of books published concerning the church an... »

What virtually every Pentecostal denomination believes about Restoration after ministerial misconduct

Restoration after ministerial misconduct? What is virtually every Pentecostal denomination teaching? What virtually every Pentecostal denomination believes about Restoration after ministerial misconduct AN UNFORTUNATELY... »