31. I am thankful for FREEDOM…
On this Fourth of July, 2010 I want to stated unashamedly, I am thankful for my FREEDOM. I am an American citizen. Born in the United States of America, and thankful for God's grace and provision in this "land of the free and home of the brave."
But, I am even more thankful for my FREEDOM in Christ....God's only Son. I am so thankful that the "Cross is my Statue of Liberty...it was there that my soul was made free..." Yes, indeed, the Cross is really my Statue of Liberty. When my soul is heavy-ladened with cares, sins, despair, and fear--I know where to find FREEDOM...the JUDGE at the CROSS still hears my case--every time. I can rest my case at the CROSS, knowing that He hears it...and He will settle it.
"Unashamed, I'll proclaim that a rugged Cross is my Statute of Liberty!"
Amen and amen.
But, I am even more thankful for my FREEDOM in Christ....God's only Son. I am so thankful that the "Cross is my Statue of Liberty...it was there that my soul was made free..." Yes, indeed, the Cross is really my Statue of Liberty. When my soul is heavy-ladened with cares, sins, despair, and fear--I know where to find FREEDOM...the JUDGE at the CROSS still hears my case--every time. I can rest my case at the CROSS, knowing that He hears it...and He will settle it.
"Unashamed, I'll proclaim that a rugged Cross is my Statute of Liberty!"
Amen and amen.