6 Aug 2023

PCUSA pastor teaches on Psalm 139, says she ‘felt God’s presence,’ ‘no sin’ after 2 abortions
A female pastor who is also a Planned Parenthood advisor delivered a sermon in which she said she felt “God’s presence” when she orted two pregnancies and blasted Evangelicals for their “toxic theology” on the subject.

Severe flooding kills three in Slovenia after one month’s worth of rain in 10 hours
At least three people have died in Slovenia due to severe flooding after more than a month’s worth of rain fell in just 10 hours on August 4, 2023. The catastrophic event caused evacuations, cut off roads, flooded buildings, and prompted the prime minister to describe the situation as ‘catastrophic.’ The floods could be the biggest since Slovenia’s independence in 1991.

Deep M6.2 earthquake hits Santiago del Estero, Argentina
A deep earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.2 hit Santiago del Estero, Argentina at 07:20 UTC on August 5, 2023. The agency is reporting a depth of 597 km (370 miles). EMSC is reporting the same magnitude and depth.

NHS England To Offer Transgender Treatment To Children As Young As Seven
Children as young as seven will soon be able to get transgender treatment on the NHS after the health service set that as the minimum age for gender identity clinic referrals.

Gavin Newsom Subsidized Illegal Chinese Bio-Lab That Was Discovered In California
The secret Chinese bio-lab that was recently discovered in Fresno, California was subsidized by none other than Governor Gavin Newsom.

Tax-Funded Ohio Group Sponsors Program to Teach Kids How to Be Drag Queens
An organization funded by Ohio taxpayers is sponsoring a tutorial program to teach children how to become drag queens.

Pastor, wife and 3-year-old son jailed on charges of luring innocent people to Christianity
A pastor, his wife, and young son have been jailed for allegedly luring innocent people to Christianity in violation of an anti-conversion law in Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state where Christians only make up less than 1% of the 200 million population.

Australia’s Intelligence Agencies Are Instructed To Tackle Online “Misinformation”
In a robust appeal for accountability, Australian intelligence agencies have been encouraged to counter online “misinformation” that potentially endangers national security. The recommendation comes from a parliamentary committee overseeing Australia’s six intelligence bodies, including the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), the Australian Signals Directorate, and the Australian Secret Intelligence Service.

The Orchestrated Cases Against Trump Explained
Many people dislike Trump for personal reasons or because the media has succeeded in indoctrinating them against Trump, but once innocence or guilt depends on personal emotions, the rule of law is dead.  And that is precisely what the Trump indictments indicate…

Democracy has died and populism is demonised. So, where to now?
Paul Collits asks: Are we witnessing the death of democracy?  Actually, the question should, rather, be framed as, have we already seen the death of democracy?

Covid Related News: Corporate journalists have become experts at disinformation journalism
As independent experts dismantle the official covid pandemic narrative, corporate “experts” try to resurrect it and corporate media warns “covid is on the rise.” We can only guess corporate media has been instructed to nudge the public for another round, or two, of known to be harmful genetic “vaccines.”

British Rowing bans trans-identified males from competing in women’s events
British Rowing has adopted a policy limiting participation in a newly created women’s team to biological females. It is one of several sporting organizations to do so amid concerns about the fairness of trans-identified males competing in women’s sports.

Bombshell: Pfizer Employees Were Given “Special” Batch of Vaccine
In a shocking revelation during a Senate hearing in Australia, a Pfizer spokesperson revealed that the pharmaceutical giant had imported a special batch of COVID-19 vaccines solely for their employee vaccination programme.

The Great Reset, AI Revolution & ‘Global Boiling’: Unveiling the Secret Depopulation Plan – Are YOU the Carbon Footprint they want to Eliminate?
A chilling plan has been uncovered that should shock you to your very core. For decades, global powers have been orchestrating a depopulation strategy, hidden under the guise of public health crises, economic instability, and environmental concerns. Now, with the dawn of the AI revolution, fondly referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, the world faces an unsettling future.

Russian Tanker Hit By Ukrainian Sea Drones, Likely With Help From US Intelligence
Signs of a shift to “unlimited war” growing…

Franklin Graham returning to UK after legal victory over canceled events
The Rev. Franklin Graham will be returning to the United Kingdom for his “God Loves You” tour a couple of years after he won a legal battle against a venue that canceled his events due to disagreeing with his biblically-based views on homosexuality.

The post 6 Aug 2023 appeared first on Rapture Ready.