ncCOG: District Fellowship Service
District Fellowship Service
We want to invite all to our district fellowship service on the 29th of January at 6:00 pm at the North Greensboro Church of God, located on the corner of Cherry street and Summit Ave. Greensboro, North Carolina with Evangelist Ralph Parker who will be speaking and is from Roanoke Va, and has been in ministry for twenty years There will be five churches in this district that will be represented in this meeting, Gate City Church of God, North Greensboro Church of God, Living Hope Worship Center Church of God, Power Point Church of God, and the Jamestown Church of God. There will be some awesome anointed Holy Ghost and fire preaching and worshiping in this service; you don’t want to miss this special service that is dedicated to God for His glory. This would be a great opportunity for those you know and love who do not know Jesus as their personal savior to come and if you have sick family members or friend bring them and expect God to do the impossible. Come expecting God to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can either think or ask. God bless and mark this on your calendars.