the value of conversing
Yesterday, I engaged in a long conversation with a friend and colleague. We didn’t discuss anything new. In fact, this was a conversation that we’ve had many times in the past. Since we are team members, we talked about some of the challenges we are facing in our work and kicked around a dozen or so ideas that may prove to be solutions. The thing is, there were no new ideas…but we kept the dialogue going. He will tell you, along with anyone who knows me well; I get tired of the same old discussions. I don’t like repeating myself and I am not especially fond of others doing so. It usually feels so counter-productive. But sometimes there is no other way to work your way through an issue.
After a couple of hours, I think we had a break though. No new revelations, just some determination to attempt some things. And that’s the value of conversation. You learn, grow, explore.
Don’t get bored with the same script. There may be something new that God is saying to you. Maybe it’s not new, but maybe you haven’t yet heard the old clear enough.
We’ll keep on talking.