COGWM Remembers David Lorency
Church of God World Missions was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of David Lorency on April 3, 2020.
For over 20 years he served as the President of Operation Compassion, a non-profit international relief organization closely associated with the Church of God. He was a faithful, trusted and caring partner of Church of God World Missions, helping us to send aid and relief to hurting people around the world. He will be missed and his memory cherished by people he has impacted around the globe.
World Missions Director, Dr. David M. Griffis states, “David Lorency was truly an ‘Apostle of Compassion’. No one ever fulfilled the words of Jesus, ‘In as much as you have done it unto the least of these…you have done it unto me,’ better than Dave Lorency. We mourn his passing but we rejoice in his victory.”