Tempting Him, they asked “God” ONE question (Matt 19:3), and…
Tempting Him, they asked “God” ONE question (Matt 19:3), and He gave them One answer, Four different ways; “I made them ONE” (vs 4-6).
Are you reading on in Scripture, hoping for a second question and different answer, looking in the law of “MOSES” in hopes to justify sin?
Why seek divorce counseling from the Mighty Mighty MARRIAGE Counselor of ALL counselors, who already gave you His Great “God” Perspective and Answer, the first time; “I made you ONE” (vs 4-6).
No condemnation, just the Truth spoken in exegetical Love.
Have Faith in Christ and Trust Him to Resolve your differences/issues, no matter how great they are (Matt 7:7, John 14:13-14, Mark 11:24, Phil 4:19).
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