A POWERFUL TESTIMONY….Patiently read! Acts 4:8 “Then Peter, filled with…

A POWERFUL TESTIMONY….Patiently read! Acts 4:8 “Then Peter, filled with…


Acts 4:8 “Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit”

This was Peter And John’s Testimony before the council…

Remember this are unlearned men with no theological training, masters or doctorate degree but this are ordinary men who knew the power of The Holy Spirit not just in tongue but in life and experience.

This kind of men are far from today modern Church people who will speak 1,000 words in tongues but lack the power to be a faithful witness of Our Lord Jesus Christ, this men weren’t concerned with tittle’s or initials on their names, all they wanted was to faithfully declare the Glory Of Christ, this where not men who lived immorally and still claim to be filled with Holy Spirit because they have the GIFT of Tongues as some claim today…NO!
I thought to myself, had this men been on social media (Facebook or WhatsApp etc) platform’s, they won’t be shy like modern day Christians who would never for once mention the name of Jesus on their status and tell their unbelieving friends who are on their way to Hell.

But this where ordinary holy men who knew Jesus intimately, believed his finished work and obeyed his commanded Word…
Dear friends, Being Filled with The Holy Spirit is an experience that comes from your relationship with Jesus…

Acts 4:13 “They also recognized them as men who had been with Jesus”

But today, we have millions of believers who would prefer keeping strong relationship with their Pastor but no relationship with Jesus, we have come to the place where a life fully surrendered to Jesus is just a sham and strange to people, but we forget this is the ingredient of a life filled with The Holy spirit.

Oh! Friends, the life in the flesh profits nothing, God cannot be pleased in the human flesh realm, because such life is more controlled by The World but a life pleasing to the Lord without struggle comes from the life controlled by The Spirit Of God…

You wonder why you are fearful,lack boldness and are always weak in the flesh with much defeat in your Christian Life?

This could be because you need to be filled once more by The Holy Spirit as you seek The Lord Jesus in prayer’s…

Always remember, The Holy Spirit is With us, In us as believers but he also needs to be upon us (where he overflows in every area of our life)

Only then can this words be said of us….See!

Acts 4:13] “The members of the council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, for they could see that they were ordinary men with no special training in the Scriptures”

Acts 4:31 “After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness”.

May The Lord Fill you by His Spirit as you overflow in prophecy, boldness,purity and tongues of Angels in Christ Name. Amen.

Chima Teaching

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