I’ve been looking and in discussions and it seems that…
I’ve been looking and in discussions and it seems that when they read scripture they take everything in a wooden literal way. It’s that rightly dividing the word of truth? For instance does it seem right when Paul says Satan is the god of this world? Or stars fall from heavens? Or fire breathing dragons in revelation? The word of god wasn’t written to us but for us so the way they communicated back then they would use their metaphors and hyperboles not ours. We do communicate using those tools today. So in order to understand scripture stop being the one interpreting but let scripture interpret itself. He’s an example what does the whole of scripture say of who’s the god of this world? God says there is no other God’s beside me so right there Paul is using hyperbole so if we go back to the text Paul said if the gospel is hidden it’s to those that are perishing. So in this case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers lest they see the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Satan has been given more power than the scripture says he has. Jesus said he is the father of lies that’s his power he brings lies disguised as truth he can’t do anything more than that. Start learning how the bible writers of the day used the language of the day and you’ll find your self understanding a lot more of what being said