This Day, June 28, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L
“Pope John XXII issues Bullarium Romanum, ordering that Jews who convert to
Christianity must be allowed to keep their property. The implication is that
Jews who don't convert won't necessarily have their property rights protected.”
(As reported by Austin Cline)
Peter I, the King of Cyprus and future “titular King of Jerusalem” married Eschiva de Montfort today.
1389: Ottoman forces crush the armies of Christian
Europe in Kosovo, opening the way for the Ottoman conquest of Southeastern
Europe. This event is known as the Battle of Kosovo. The memory of this battle lingers to this day
and has provided fuel for hostility between the different religious and ethnic
groups in the Balkans. This victory of
the forces of Islam over the Christians made their position in Europe just that
much more precarious. And Christian
insecurity was never a good thing for the Jewish population.
Today. ‘after the violence in Seville and Castile Queen Violant of Bar ordered
city officials to be especially protective of Jews.”
“The marquis of Mantua, Italy issued favorable regulations, granting Jews
freedom of religion, the right to settle internal disputes in rabbinic courts
and permission to engage in all occupations.” (As described Abraham Bloch)
In the Cariglia, the Kingdom of Naples, Giovanni Antonio Carafa and “Vittoria
Camponeschi, the daughter of Pietro Lalle Camponeschi, 5th Conte di Montorio, a
Neapolitan nobleman” gave birth to Gian Pietro Carafa who as Pope Paul VI
issued Dudum postquam, the papal bull that expanded a 10-ducat tax on Jewish
synagogues to help finance catechumen houses in Rome and Cum Nimis Absurdum,
the papal bull that “ordered the creation of a Jewish ghetto in Rome.”
1491: Birthdate of
King Henry VIII of England. Isabella of
Aragon, the daughter of the Spanish King and Queen was Henry’s first wife. Before allowing the marriage to go forward,
Henry had to promise that he would never allow Jews to settle in England. For the most part, Henry was true to his word
although a small community of crypto-Jews may have settled in London. Henry’s other contact with Jews also
surrounded his marriage to Isabella, only this time it revolved around his
attempts to shed his wife. Henry sought
to use the texts of what he called the Old Testament to prove that the marriage
was invalid and that it was cursed by God.
He attempted to get Rabbis in Italy to support his claims made to the
Pope in Rome. The Rabbis decided that
discretion was the better part of valor.
Regardless of what the Bible said, they felt no need to risk their
safety in Italy for the sake of capricious monarch living so far away.
Charles V was elected emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Charles was the
grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella. Charles had already been on the Spanish throne
for three years when he became Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. As king of Spain, Charles was a worthy heir
to his grandparents. He continued the
Inquisition and enforced their philosophy regarding Jews and Marranos. But in the Germanic and central European
lands that came under his role, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Emperor showed a
more benign, tolerant (for his time) attitude towards his Jewish subjects. “He made no attempt to institute the
inquisition or even tamper with privileges extended by past emperors. At the Diet of 1544 held at Speyer, “Charles
reaffirmed Jewish privileges” to such an extent that “the Speyer document was
considered the most liberal and generous letter of protection ever granted to
the Jews.” Charles defended the Jews
against the anti-Semitic attacks of Martin Luther. “When Spanish troops entered Germany in 1546
during the Emperor’s campaign against rebellious Protestant princes…Charles
issued an order to his army not to molest the Jews.” [Editor’s note: If you can find an explanation for this
seemingly schizophrenic behavior, please let me know.]
Birthdate of John Drusius, “the Dutch linguist who taught Hebrew at Oxford who
taught Hebrew to Edward Lively, “the Regius Professor of Hebrew at Cambrige”
1635: On behalf of the Company of the American
Islands, a French owned enterprise Charles Lienard and Jean Duplessis, Lord of
Ossonville began the colonization of the Island of Guadeloupe. This did not make the island part of the
French Empire which made it possible for the Jews to settle there. Starting
with their arrival in 1654, the Jews prospered in the fishing processing
business and owned several sugar cane plantations. This would all come to an end when the colony
was annexed by the French Empire and the Jews were expelled under the “Black
1626: Vincent II, whom
Salamone Rossi served as Concert Master, began his reign as Duke of Mantua
Birthdate of Swiss philosopher, Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Unlike some other Enlightenment philosophers,
Rousseau did not dabble in anti-Semitism.
He may not have been Philo-Semitic but in his limited references to the
Jewish people he wrote with unusual understanding and compassion. “We shall never know the inner motives of the
Jews until the day they have their own free state, schools and universities
where they can speak and argue without fear.
Then, and only then, shall we know what they really have to say.”
King Charles III of Hungary announced that he “intended to decrease the number
of Jews in his domains” so “the government directed the counties to furnish
statistics on the number of” Jewish subjects.
The debate at Kamienice came to an end with the Sabbatians victorious.
Catherine II (whom the Boyars called “the Great”) ascends the throne of
Russia. The German born Czarina followed
her husband Peter III who died under mysterious circumstances in which she
might have had a hand. The Jewish historian Salo Baron described her as
possessing a rational attitude. Under
the partition of Poland, Catherine became the ruler of Lithuanian with its
large Jewish population. At first, Catherine tried to “thread the needle” of
not offending the Russian Orthodox by granting her Jewish subjects too much
freedom while taking advantage of their professional and business skills. In the end, she succumbed to pressure from
Russian merchants who hid behind religion and limited the activities of her
Jewish subjects to an area that would become known as “The Pale of Settlement.”
of Tammuz, 5530): Thirteen-month-old Sarah Phillips the daughter of Jonas and
Rebecca Mendes Machado Phillips passed away today after which she was buried at
the Mikveh Israel Spruce Street Cemetery in Phladelphia.
In Philadelphia, PA, Jonas Phillips and Rebecca Machada gave birth to Zalegman
Phillips the successful lawyer and husband of Arabella Solomon whom he married
when she was nineteen years old.
1780(25th of Sivan, 5540): Eight-day-old Henry Jonas,
the New York born son of Lyon Jonas passed away today, almost a year to the day
after Lyon Jonas had lost another son Henry Jonas who had also died in infancy.
1805: Birthdate of Prague native and school
principal Baruch Benedict Foges, the author of "Alterthümer der Prager
In Jamaica, Abraham Quixano Henriques and Leah Rachel De Leon gave birth to
Abigail Henriques who became Abigail Belinfante when she married Francis
A.M. Rothschild writes from Frankfurt to his son Nathan in London telling him
that writing in Hebrew was fine for discussing family matters but not for
conveying business information.
Joseph Friederberg married Frances Phillips at the Great Synagogue.
John Pesman and Esther Capua gave birth to Lewis Pesman Capua, the husband of
Jane Jacobs with whom he had four children.
of Tammuz, 5572): Tzom Tammuz observed
In Philadelphia, PA, Ezekiel Jacob Ezekiel and Rebecca Israel gave birth to Jacob
Ezekiel the bookbinder turned Jewish leader and political figure who in 1847
introduced “an amendment to the code of the state of Virginia by which the
observers of the Jewish Sabbath were placed on the same plane with those who
rest on the ‘first day.’”
Grace Labat, the daughter of David Labat married Isaac Davega today.
Lazarus Samuel married Saratse Nathan at the Great Synagogue.
Benjamin Olinde Rodrigues “a French banker, mathematician and social reformer”
who had been born at Bordeaux in 1795 “was awarded a doctorate in mathematics
today by the University of Paris” which was earned by his dissertation which
contained what came to be called the “Rodrigues’ Formula.”
As of today it is claimed that “32 unauthorized Jews are living in Pilsen.”
Michael Mordecai married Isabel Benjamin at the Great Synagogue.
Birthdate of Max Maretzek, the native of Austria who became an opera impresario
in London and New York.
Twenty-seven year old German poet Heinrich Heine became a Protestant today.
Hyam Harris was the first person interred by "Shaare Chessed," a
burial society in New Orleans.
Birthdate of Hungarian/German violinist and composer, Joseph Joachim.
Birthdate of German historian Otto Stobbe who “was appointed to the Historical
Committee of the German-Israelite Community Association” and who was a
“colleague of Heinrich Graetz. In
writing about his work in the field of Jewish history Stobbe said “Works on the
history of the Jews are so little known in non-Jewish circles that even
scholars, as I have often had occasion to see, are only imperfectly informed
about the history of this people in Germany.” (As described by Michael Brenner)
of Sivan, 5594): Parashat Baha’alotcha
of Sivan, 5594): Fifty-nine-year-old Aaron Judah, the New York born son of
Samuel Judah, who had married Rachel Gomez in 1819 passed away today.
Henry Joel married Amelia Alvers at the Great Synagogue.
Former President James Madison passed away.
Madison worked with his mentor Thomas Jefferson to ensure freedom of
religion in the state of Virginia in the years between the Revolution and the
ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
Madison played in a key role in the ratification of the first ten
amendments of the Constitution known as the Bill of Rights. The first of those amendments guaranteed the
separation of church and state. Madison
was the first President to appoint a Jew to a U.S. diplomatic post.
The coronation of Victoria of the United Kingdom took place today. Victoria was
on the throne until 1901. Her long
tenure gave an era its name. But under
the British system of government, she reigned but did not rule which means she
had only a limited impact on growing role of Jews in her realm. Early in reign, she sided with Moses
Montefiore as he sought to protect the Jews of Syria during the Damascus Blood
Libel lending him her royal yacht for his trip to France. On the other hand, in 1869 she exercised her
royal prerogative when it came to creating new peerages by blocking the
appointment of Lionel Rothschild to the House of Lords. According to Frederick Morton, one of her
biographers, “it was not until Suez became British though Jewish money” and she
came under the spell of Benjamin Disraeli that she relented and allowed
Lionel’s son to enter the Lords. As she
aged, Victoria would visit “the French estate of Baron Rothschild.” Despite her lack of political clout, she did
attempt to intervene on behalf of the Russian Jews as Tsar Alexander III worked
to make their lives increasingly unbearable.
On the other hand, she was not pleased with the growing number of Jews
who made up the social circle of her son, the Prince of Wales, the future King
Edward VII.
Birthdate of Wilna native and Crimea school teach Lev Jerahmeel Klaczko who
settled in Odessa and several books including ErekTefillah, “a
critical investigation of this history and the language of prayers.”
Jacob I. Moses, the Columbia, SC born son of Isaiah and Rebecca J. Moses and Rinah
Jacobs Moses gave birth to William Moultrie Moses, the husband of Penina
Septima Robison.
Birthdate of Golčův Jeníkov (Bohemia) native Dr. Ignatz Kornfeld.
Joseph Abrahams married Elizabeth Samuel at the Great Synagogue.
Two days after the “June Days Uprising” had come to an in France, French banker
Michel Goudchaux began serving as Minister of Finance in the newly formed
Levy Jacobs and Caroline Davis gave birth to Alfred Jacobs, the husband of
Emily Flatau.
Rebecca Mozes Gans, the Amsterdam born daughter of Moses Jacob Pereira Mendoza
and Sara Josua Pereira Mendoza and her husband Jacob Gans gave birth to Mozes “Jacob”
David Salomons stood as a Liberal candidate at a by-election in the Greenwich constituency
and was elected today as one of the constituency's two Members of Parliament
(MPs). He was not permitted to serve in the House of Commons, because he had
not taken the oath of abjuration in the form established by Parliament.
However, he did not withdraw quietly: instead he took the oath, but omitted the
Christian phrases, and took his seat on the government benches. He was asked to
withdraw, and did so on the second request, but he returned three days later,
on 21 July 1851. In the debate that followed, Salomons defended his presence on
grounds of having been elected by a large majority, but was eventually removed
by the Sergeant-at-Arms, and fined £500 for having voted illegally in three
divisions of the House
Ferdinand Hiller’s Im Freien in G
major was performed in London.
In New Orleans, Emil Pollak and Caroline Pollak gave back to their second child
and first daughter Carrie.
Baron Maurice von Hirsch, the German-Jewish philanthropist who founded the
Jewish Colonization Association, married Clara Bischoffsheim (born 1833),
daughter of Jonathan-Raphaël Bischoffsheim of Brussels
In Bavaria, Dr. Harwitg and Fannie Werner gave birth to American Cigar
manufacturer Theodore Werner the husband Anna Mayer and founder and President
of T.J. Dunn which he sold to the Consolidated Cigar Company enabling him to
retire in 1920.
of Tammuz, 5617): Fifty-three-year-old Moravian born Austrian pianist and composer
Joseph Fischoff, the nephew of Robert Fischoff who had studied medicine at the
University of Vienna before devoting himself to a musical career following the
death of his father in 1827 passed away today in Vienna.
of Tammuz, 5618): Thirty-six-year-old Marian Spielman, the Liverpool born
daughter of Henrietta and Louis Samuel and the wife of Adam Spielman passed
away today in London.
In Hampstead, London, Joseph and Adel Schloss gave birth to their “eldest son,
James Joseph Schloss.”
On the day after Shabbat Chukat, where Jews delve into the world of the
unexplainable, President Lincoln, for reasons of his own, appointed General
George Meade to command the Army of the Potomac which was the first step in a
date with destiny that would be kept days later in a small Pennsylvania town
called Gettysburg.
Henry Marks married Rosetta Jones at the Hambro Synagogue.
1866: Benjamin Disraeli began serving as the Chancellor
of the Exchequer and Leader in the House of Commons in the cabinet of the Earl
of Derby, the Prime Minister.
In Vienna, Carl Karoly Birnbaum and Sofie Zsofia Birnbaum gave birth to Salomon
Birnbaum, the husband of Valerie Birnbaum, both of whom would die at
Theresienstadt in 1943.
In Middlesex, Henriette and Henry Lewis Raphael gave birth to Helen M. Raphael
who died at the age of 16.
In Dixon, Illinois, German immigrants Emanuel Petersberger and Berta Ochs gave
birth to U of Iowa trained attorney Isaac Petersberger, who made his career in
Davenport, IA where he raised his children Richard and Louise with his wife the
former Hattie Goldstein
It was reported today that in the second-hand clothing trade silk and velvet
waistcoats that appear to be worn out can be re-worked and made into skull-caps
for German and Polish Jews.
of Tammuz, 5637):Tzom Tammuz
In New York City, Samuel Anspacher and his wife gave birth to University of
Cincinnati and HUC graduate Abraham Samuel Anspacher, the Rabbi of Congregation
Ansche Chesed in Scranton, PA.
B.L. Solomon & Sons one of the largest and oldest of importers and dealers
in upholstery and furniture in the country failed today. The business was established was established
45 years ago by B.L Solomon under the name of Solomon and Hart.
In Little Rock, AR, Henrietta Bott and Louis Volmer gave birth to Leon Volmer who “served as rabbi of a Reform
congregation in Charleston, W. VA before
becoming Superintendent of Jewish Orphans’ Home in New Orleans where “he
advocated for progressive methods of institutional child care” because he
believed that “if the Orphanage had any good reason for existing it must be to
take the unfortunate child and provide a home for him, the atmosphere, the
activities and the moral and spiritual life of which will the child a Social
Force in the Social Construction of Society.”
While “making its regular trip up the East River from Manhattan, the SS
Seawanhaka caught fire forcing those on board, many of whom who could not swim,
to choose between burning to death and jumping into the swamp water where the
ship had come to rest. Among the many Jews on board who perished were Mordecai
Manuel Noah Smith and for Assemblyman Joseph I. Stein.
Wilhelm Benjamin Rothschild, the German born son of Caroline and David Aron
Rothschild and his wife Stella Rothschild gave birth to Recha Rothschild
of Tammuz, 5641): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz
of Tammuz, 5641): Eighty-two year old Philipp Schey Freiherr von Koromla, “the
Hungarian merchant and philanthropist” who was made an Austrian noble by
Emperor Francis Joseph I, making him the first Jew to be so elevated and who
was the grandfather of Austrian biologist Hans Leo Przibram, passed away today.
It was reported today that Henry Holt & Co is issuing a book about the
effects of the American Revolution – America and France: The Influence of
the United States on France in the Eighteenth Century by Lewis Rosenthal.
The dedicatory services for the new Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews took place
at the new building located a one half mile south of Yonkers on Riverdale
Avenue in New York.
In Yonkers, NY, the Home For Aged and Infirm operated by the Independent Order
of B’nai B’rith began accepting residents on its opening day.
During his address at the University of Mississippi commencement ceremony in
Oxford, famous author George W. Cable called for the graduates to embrace the
future, “Let us search provincialism out of the land as the Hebrew housewife
purged her house of leaven on the eve of the Passover.” (Editor’s note – It may seem strange to find
out that a rural southern audience would understand a reference to the arcane
customs of the Jewish people.)
About 7:30 this evening a group of striking freight handlers attacked Russian
Jews who had replaced them in Battery Park just outside of Castle Garden. A half hour later the strikers turned their
attention to a group of returning Italian workers who proved to be more of a
problem since they were armed with armed bars, sticks and dirks. After police intervened the Jews said they
would not go back to work on the piers as replacement workers for the strikers.
It was reported that Dr. Samuel Davidson is preparing a new book on Christian
eschatology in which he will compare the doctrines of Christianity and Judaism.
[This is evidence of the difference between the European and American view of
Judaism. In the latter case it was
something to be studied not condemned.]
1883: Birthdate of right wing French political
leader Pierre Laval who eventually became Prime Minister of the Vichy
Government where he aggressively followed pro-Nazi and anti-Semitic policies
that would lead to his execution in 1945.
A Russian Jew named Julius Simon, his wife and six children arrived in New York
today aboard the steam-ship Egyptian Monarch.
Simon who said he was sent to the United States by the Jewish Ladies
Board of London claims to be entirely destitute.
of Tammuz, 5644): Parashat Tammuz
of Tammuz, 5644): Thirty-two year old Isaac Jacob Gans, the Amsterdam born “son
of Jacob and Rebecca Mozes Gans” and the husband of Vogeltje Dooseman passed
away today.
Birthdate of Norwegian attorney Fritz Cohn who was arrested at Asker in 1942
and died at Auschwitz in 1943 at the age of 57.
“Orthodoxy and Reform” published today described the clash between these two
wings of Judaism as personified by Rabbit Kohut on one sides and Rabbis Kohler
and Gottheil on the other. Kohler contends that although he disagrees with
Kohut on matters related to religion, he considers him a personal friend.
It was reported today that the elevation of Lord Rothschild to a peerage is
unique because of his ethnicity it follows the same pattern of other
“plutocrats” who have been so honored.
The Jewish neighborhood along Harrison Street suffered some of the worst damage
when a rain storm struck Baltimore this morning followed by flooding which was
the worst to hit the city since 1868.
It was reported today that the new monthly magazine which will be the official
publication of the B’nai B’rith, is to be named The Menorah. The Jewish
fraternal organization is thought to represent over 10 per cent of the
country’s Jewish population.
of Sivan, 5646): Sixty-four year old Chaim Sofer who had been serving as rabbi
“of the Orthodox congregation in the newly merged city of Budapest since 1879,
passed away today.
Israel Lipski was arrested today after he was found hiding under the bed of
Miriam Angel who “had been murdered after being forced to consume nitric acid.”
In Galveston, TX, Samson Heidenheirmer, President of the Standard Oil Mill and
Joseph Marx, a local lawyer were arrested today and charged with arson in
connection with a fire that destroyed the company last April.
Twenty-two year old Annie Lippkin, the fiancée of a young tailor named Harry
Cohen, went missing from her home on Suffolk Street today.
“Twenty-six brigands” are demanding a ransom of £5,000 for the return of wealth
Jew whom they kidnapped near Salonica.
The Marquis de Mores who is scheduled to stand trial for killing Captain Armand
Mayer has been provisionally released from custody.
Birthdate of New York native Mechel Salpeter who gained fame as Max Gordon, the
successful movie and theatrical producer.
In Kiev, Jehiel and Elka Rubin Feldman gave birth to Abraham Jehiel Feldman who
in 1906 came to the United States where he graduated from the University of
Cincinnati and was ordained at HUC before going on to lead congregations in
Athens, GA, Philadelphia, PA and West Hartford, CT while raising three children
– Daniel, Joan and Ella – with his wife the former Helen Bloch.
Birthdate of Chicago native and University of Illinois trained physician
Benjamin Goldberg, who specialized in the treatment of tuberculosis.
“Tenements Unfit To Live In” published today described the efforts of the Board
of Health to closed down building deemed “unfit for human habitation by reason
of their unsanitary condition” including the building at 141 Madison. The
ground floor is home to a laundry owned by Max Rosenson and the upper floors
are home to five Jewish families who have no place else to go.
It was reported that Herman Ahlwardt the anti-Semitic member of the Reichstag
is serving out the sentence imposed on him for libeling Herr von Loewe, the
Jewish arms maker and several Prussian officials. (Editor’s note – Libeling Jews was one thing;
libeling Prussian military officials was another matter.)
“A.P.A. Man Finally Talks” published today provides the plans the American
Protective Society has after it has disposed of the Catholics. According to Charles D.P. Gibson, “Then we’ll
look after some other classes that are dangerous to the Republic…the Jews for
instance who are constantly dodging their public financial obligations and who
are in consequence, laying up great private treasures. By means of their money they are eating into
the very heart of the people. They are
gradually getting control of everything and if left alone they will in
twenty-five years, own all our institutions.
We’ll stop them where they are.”
of Sivan, 5654): Sixty-eight year old German chemist Moritz Traube passed away
in Berlin.
Mrs. Simon Goldberg, Jacob Rothschild and Simon Ottenberg were named as
trustees in the will of Simon Goldberg which was signed today
of Tammuz, 5656): Fast of Tammuz
of Tammuz, 5656): Eighty-year old Adam Gimbel, the founder of Gimbel’s
Department Stores passed away today in Philadelphia.
Oren B. Meyer, a native of Texas and a West Point graduate who would cited for
gallantry during the Spanish American War was promoted to the rank of 1st
Lieutenant while serving with the 3rd Cavalry of the United States
The day after he passed away, Harry Hyman Magnus, the son of Joseph and ‘Sarah
Magnus was buried today at the West Ham Jewish Cemetery on Buckingham Road.
It was reported today that the free entertainment enjoyed by over a thousand
public school children at Educational Alliance’s auditorium grew out of an
proposal originally championed by Julia Richman, a key figure in promoting
quality public and Jewish education.
Mrs. Elsie Schwager (nee Barstheit) and her new-born son converted to Judaism
today. Following the conversion
ceremony, Elsie and her 24 year old husband Phillip were married in a Jewish
ceremony. The couple had been married in
a civil ceremony more than a year ago.
Jacques Marie Eugène Godefroy Cavaignac began serving as Minister of War who
lied about the authenticity of evidence that would have cleared Alfred Dreyfus.
Twenty-four-year-old University of California and University of Munich trained
chemist Arthur Lachman, the San
Francisco born son of Abraham and Marie Lachman married Bertha Nathan today
after which he went on to teach chemistry at the universities of Michigan,
Oregon, and California.
It was reported today that Menahem M. Eichler, Michael Fried and Leon H.
Elmaleh have graduated from JTS. The
first two have been ordained as Rabbis and the third has earned a teaching
Birthdate of Samuel Ginsberg, the native of “Podwołoczyska, Galicia,
Austria-Hungary (now Pidvolochysk, Ukraine)” who took the name Walter Krivitsky
when he joined the Bolsheviks whom he would serve as a member of the Cheka and
the NKVD while working as a clandestine agent.
of Tammuz, 5660): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz
Birthdate of Arthur Levitt, New York lawyer and politician who served as New
York State Comptroller and was the father of Arthur Levitt, Jr., the SEC
Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
“It is reported today” that “the late Charles Kensington Salaman, the eminent
musician and composer who wrote one serious work, ‘The Jews as They Are
Published,’ nearly twenty years ago” “left an autobiography covering a career
of three-quarters of a century.”
In Vesae, Lithuania, “American citizens Max and Dora (Flaxman) Davis” gave
birth to University of Chicago Law School trained attorney Benjamin Bernard
Davis and husband of Janice Muller with whom he had one son – Muller Davis –
who was a partner in several law firms including Davis, Jones and Baer.
“In Arverne, Queens, NYC, Mamie (Levy) and Dr. William Abrahams Rodgers, a
prominent physician who had changed the family name from Abrahams” gave birth
to Richard Charles Rodgers who would team with Lorenz Hart and then Oscar
Hammerstein in writing numerous Broadway musicals including Oklahoma and
Carousel. In reading Mr. Rodgers' obituary in the New York Times one would have
no idea that he was Jewish. In fact the only hint comes in a comment that
during the early 1920's when he could not get anything on Broadway he "put
on amateur productions for schools and synagogues."
It was reported today that under the leadership of Dr. Solomon Schechter, “new
president of the Jewish Seminary” plans for the construction of a building
situated “in the educational center of which Columbia is the nucleus” are going
forward thanks to a two thousand dollar endowment fund and contributions from
Jacob H. Schiff, Leonard Lewisohn Z”L and the Guggenheim brothers.
“The Petition To the Czar” published today reviews “the wisdom of President
Theodore Roosevelt’s decision to transmit to the Czar of Russia the petition
for the better protection of the live and property of the Jews in that empire.”
CCNY grad and NYU trained attorney and NY State legislature Bennet E.
Siegelstein, the son of Paul Siegelstein married Fannie Lukather today.
“Tried to Burn Synagogue” published today described an investigation by the
Camden police into a recent attempt to burn the Jewish house of worship at
Eighth and Sycamore Streets which Rabbi Shane began when “someone deliberately
threw a lighted roll of paper through the window among a pile shavings while he
was conducting services.”
As the violent uprising continued in Russia, it spread to Odessa and Warsaw
where Cossacks allegedly used the excuse of “a young Jew throwing a stone at a
passing patrol” to attack the crowd firing volleys that killed or wounded
twenty people including five women and a child.
Birthdate of Israeli archaeologist Binyamin
Mazar. Besides having a distinguished career that included the excavation at
Beth Shearim, Mazar produced a family of archaeologists including son Ory,
grandchildren Eilat and Dan and nephew Amihai Mazar.
1906: Birthdate of Maria Goeppert Mayer,
German born US atomic physicist who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in
1963. Mayer was not Jewish. She did come to the United States during the
1930’s where she remained for the rest of her life. Aside from her
scientific work, she supported Jewish female colleagues who had immigrated to
the USA. This latter selfless act
certainly should rate her at least honorable mention as a righteous gentile.
of Av, 5667): Sixty-two year old Rotterdam native William Van Praagh, whose
successful work at “the Jews' Deaf
and Dumb Home led to the establishment by the late Baroness Mayer de Rothschild
of an unsectarian institution on that system” known as "The Association
for the Oral Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb” which Lord Granville served as
the first present passed away today.
1907: The “owner of six dwelling-houses in the
parliamentary and metropolitan borough of Islington” was ordered to appear
today before Joseph H. Polka, Esquire, on the justices of the peace for the
county of London.
1907: ‘Henry and Jefferson Seligman bought,
through L.J. Phillips Co., from Max Marx the two-story business building and
garage at 510 to 518 West 145th Street, on plot 100 by 100.”
1907: Birthdate of Syracuse native “Jehudah M.
Cohen” who was ordained at the Jewish History of Religion and served as a
regional director for Hillel
1908: It was reported today that Ernest Waddoch
is planning on hosting a “fete” for Jewish orphans at his estate on July 11.
1909: The cornerstone of the
first Hebrew gymnasium Herzliah, was laid in Tel Aviv today.
In Whitechapel, London, Judah Bergman and his mother Mildred gave birth to
boxer Judah Bergman known as Jack “Kid” Berg or Jackie “Kid” Berg “who became
the World Light Welterweight Champion in 1930
of Tammuz): On the Jewish calendar Yahrzeit of Rabbi Israel Jacob Algazi of
of Tammuz, 5671): Hannah Oppenheim, the German born wife of Charleston
native Joseph Hertz Oppenheim passed
away today.
of Tammuz, 5671): Sixty-eight year old Abraham Abraham the founder of the
Abraham & Straus department stores who learned the retail trade while
working alongside other future department store developers Simon Bloomingdale
and Benjamin Alton at Hart & Detttlebach passed away this afternoon when
“he was stricken with acute indigestion” while fishing “in the vicinity of
Kingston” near his summer home on Cherry Island.
After four months of conflict, the entire Council of Jewish Community at
Constantinople resigns.
“Jewish booksellers from the Pale” of Settlement were “refused permission to
attend the Booksellers’ Conference at St. Petersburg.”
of Sivan, 5673): Parashat Korach
Belle Ringer and Rose Skaller have made arrangements for the luncheon meeting
of The Young Women’s Auxiliary of the Jewish Consumptives’ Relief Society of
Chicago scheduled to be held at the Lincoln Park Refrectory.
In Chicago, at Beth El Temple, Rabbi Julius Rappaport officiated at Saturday
morning services.
It was reported today “90 percent of the 85 graduates at CCNY were Jews” and
that those receiving “the highest honors at the graduation exercises” were also
Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife
were assassinated at Sarajevo by Serbian nationalists. According to at
least one source, he was going to view the Sarajevo Haggadah when he was
killed. This assassination set in motion the events that started World War
One. A reading of Guns of August by Jewish historian Barbara
Tuchman World War makes it obvious that war was not inevitable. It actually took more than a month for the
war to actually break out.
note – a few random comments about the impact of the war on the Jewish people,
not meant in any way to be all inclusive)
Austro-Hungarian Field Marshals and eight generals were Jewish. “One of them,
Field Marshal Johann Georg Franz Hugo Friedlander, was deported by the Germans
in 1943 from Vienna to the Theresienstadt Ghetto and from there in 1944, to
Auschwitz, where he died.” While there are no exact figures the best estimates
indicate that a million and half Jews served as soldiers in the armies on both
sides of the conflict. The horrors of war fell hardest on the Jews of
Eastern Europe. American Jews made Herculean efforts to provide aid for their
suffering brethren. American Jews also sought to aid their co-religionists
trapped in Palestine under the rule of the Ottomans as can be seen by their
having the USS North Carolina, an American Battleship, go to Jaffa in 1914 with
money and supplies collected by the American Jewish Committee and the
Provisional Executive Committee for General Zionist Affairs. When America entered the war, the Jewish
response was so strong that the 77th Division was referred to by
some as “the Jewish division.” While Jews saw plenty of combat with the AEF
with at least six of them winning the Medal of Honor, the most famous soldier
may have been Irving Berlin whose musical contribution was patriotic and a real
boost to moral. Bernard Baruch may be considered the most powerful Jew during
the war. Not only was one of Wilson’s
closest advisors on matters of war and he peace, as chairman of the War
Industries Board he successfully managed the country economic mobilization
which was critical to defeating the Central Powers. Strangely enough, his role, on the economic
front mirrored that of Walter Rathenau, the German Jewish industrialist who
understood the importance of industrial production to winning a modern war as
could be seen by his role with the Raw Materials Department. The
disproportionate service of German Jewish soldiers at “The Front” did nothing
to quell the anti-Semitism that was apparently endemic to their Fatherland. The Zion Mule Corps, an all Jewish supply
unit in the British Army performed in a most distinguished manner at Gallipoli
and provided the impetus for the
creation of the Jewish Legion an all Jewish combat regiment in the British Army
that fought with General Allenby as he liberated Palestine from the Turks thus
making it possible for the Balfour Declaration to have a reality on the
ground. And this is only the tip of the
iceberg. Keep reading over the next four
years for more specific daily items.
Following the death of his first wife Amelia, today Saul Dushman, the Rostov
born son of Samuel and Olga Dushman, holder of Ph.D. from the University of
Toronto and one of the “most valuable researchers” at the General Electric Labs
in Schenectady, NY., married his second wife Anna Leff.
Birthdate of Aribert Heim a
former Austrian doctor, also known as "Dr. Death". As an SS doctor in
a Nazi concentration camp in Mauthausen, he is accused of killing and torturing
many inmates through various methods, such as direct injections of toxic
compounds into the hearts of his victims. Along with Alois Brunner, Heim — who
would now be (as of 2008) in his early nineties — is one of the last major Nazi
fugitives still at large. However, according to a 2007 publication by former
Israeli Air Force Colonel Danny Baz Heim was kidnapped from Canada and taken to
Santa Catalina off the Californian coast, where he was killed by a Nazi hunting
team code named “The Owl” in 1982. Baz himself claims to have been part of this
group. The Simon Wiesenthal Center in Jerusalem, as well as the French Nazi
hunter Serge Klarsfeld say this is not true.
1914: Miss Henrietta Szold, Nathan Straus, Dr. J.
L. Magnes, and Dr. Stephen Wise of New York arrived in Rochester, New York early
this morning to attend a meeting of Zionists. The convention of Zionists will
be formally opened by Louis Lipsky of New York, Chairman, who will introduce
Dr. Schmarya Levin of Berlin. Levin will address the delegates in behalf of the
International Executive Committee, whose headquarters are in Berlin. Dr Levin
will speak in Hebrew and German. Max Lowenthal will welcome the delegates in
behalf of the Jews of Rochester.
Birthdate of Valerian Trifa, the Romanian Orthodox cleric who helped to foment
the pogrom against the Jews of Bucharest who was finally brought to justice
thanks to the efforts of Zev Golan. “Zev Golan is the English translator of the
wartime memoirs of Stern Group commander Israel Eldad, The First Tithe; the
author of the history Free Jerusalem; and the author of the Hebrew history
Shofrot Shel Mered (The Shofars of the Revolt). Golan’s God, Man and Nietzsche:
A Surprising Dialogue between Judaism and Modern Philosophers examines why
Nietzsche both lauded and condemned Jews, and how Jewish and modern thinkers
can, together, provide answers to the great problems of philosophy. Golan has
also written extensively on economics and has edited several dozen studies of
the Israeli economy, as well as the book Meshek BeMashber (An Economy in
Crisis). His commentary has appeared in the Israeli dailies Haaretz and Globes.
Golan lives in Jerusalem where he directs the Center for Public Policy at the
Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies.
During WW I, Joseph Hertz, the Chief Rabbi of the British Empire began visiting
“advanced stations at the Western Front.”
During a meeting of the Zionist Federation in Boston, a dinner was held in
Mechanics’ Hall where 1,400 attendees listened to speeches by Louis D.
Brandeis, Nathan Straus and Rabbi Stephen Wise, among others. Brandeis was hailed as the leader of the
movement to create a Jewish home in Palestine.
Rabbi Wise’s call for additional funds brought the following response.
During the evening it was announced that Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rosenwald of
Chicago would donate $1,000 per month to the Zionist cause for the duration of
the World War and would continue making their donations for a full year after a
peace treaty was signed an anonymous donor from New York gave $6,000 while
Samuel Untermyer and Eugene Meyer each gave $3,000.
“In the midst of demonstrations and strike demands on the question of
"hiring and firing," Benjamin Schlesinger, the president of ILGWU
asked the Protective Association to submit the dispute to a committee of unbiased
persons. As a result a Council of Conciliation was appointed by Mayor John P.
Mitchel and the strike was avoided
The newly dedicated Hebrew Sheltering Society of Harlem home is scheduled to
receive its first applicant at eight o’clock this morning.
As of today, the officers of the Hebrew Sheltering Society of Harlem are
President Socolow, Vice Presidents Lubelsky and Softin, Treasurer Drosin and
Secretary Segel.
As of today, Governor Slaton of Georgia has received about “5,000 telegrams and
letters” only which “100 have condemned” his grant of clemency to Leo Frank.
Ex-Governor John M. Slaton who has been under the protection of the Georgia
National Guard since commuting Leo Frank’s death sentence and his wife left by
train for New York this afternoon without any further incidents.
The Federation of Rumanian Jews “announced the founding of a Home for
Convalescents at Grand View on the Hudson and a plan for the establishment on
the east side of a bureau to assist Rumanian Jews in obtaining citizenship.
Courses which are part of a training program for Jewish communal workers that
include lectures by Felix M. Warburg and Lillian D. Wald are scheduled to begin
today at the Heinsheimer Memorial Building of the Y.M.H.A. at 92nd
and Lexington
Frank H. Hardison, the Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner addressed the
Seventh Annual Convention of the Order of Sons of Zion
The Boston Hadassah held a lunch this afternoon after which they conducted a
business meeting.
In Boston, at the Mechanics Hall Louis D. Brandies, Nathan Straus and Dr.
Stephen Wise were among the speakers at the dinner attended by 1,400 people who
were part of the meeting of the Zionists Federation.
of Sivan, 5676: During WW I, Lt. Neville Newman of the Highland Light Infantry
was killed today.
In Middletown, NJ, Edith Abraham and Percy Selden Straus gave birth to Harvard
educated “American educator” and
president of the American Arbitration Association Donald Blun Straus the
husband of Elizabeth Allen whose grandfathers were Isidore Straus, a co-founder
Macy’s and Abraham Abraham, a founder of Abraham and Straus department store.
In Manhattan, Aaron and Anna Schiff gave birth to Solomon “Sol” Joseph Schiff
“whose rocketing, flat forehand propelled him to national and world table tennis
championships in the 1930s when he was still in his teens, and who later earned
the unofficial title “Mr. Table Tennis” as an ardent advocate for his sport…”
(As reported by Dennis Hevesi)
Rabbi William Rosenau delivered the Message of the President to the
Twenty-Eighth Annual Convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis at
Buffalo, NY.
The funeral of two and half year old Myron Paul Herskovitz, the son of Abraham
and Dora Herskovitz is scheduled to take place today in Chicago.
In Baltimore, MD, the Twentieth Annual Convention of the Federation of American
Zionists which began on June 24 is scheduled to come to an today following a
general business session.
In a change intended to break the stalemate in the Middle East, Lord Allenby
“assumed command of the Egyptian Expeditionary force” in the first step of a
journey that would lead to Jerusalem and the beginning of British rule of parts
of the Ottoman Empire.
Fareynikt Moishe Zilberfarb began serving as Deputy-Secretary of Jewish Affairs
in the General Secretariat of Ukraine, the main executive institution of the
Ukrainian People's Republic.
The Twenty-ninth Annual Convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis
opened in Chicago, Illinois today.
Birthdate of New York native Martin Greenberg the publisher and “editor of
science fiction anthologies.”
of Sivan, 5679): Parashat Korach; Rosh Chodesh Tammuz
The Treaty of Versailles was signed in France, officially ending World War I.
The United States Senate would fail to ratify the treaty, which meant the U.S.
would not join the League of Nations. Many Germans resented the terms of
the treaty. This resentment helped to undermine the Weimar Republic and
helped the Nazis in their rise to power. In other words, from the Jewish
point of view, the treaty contained the seeds of destruction.
In Chicago, Dr. Gerson B. Levi is scheduled to lead services at Temple B’nai
In Chicago, at Temple Judea, Seymour Magidson is scheduled to be called to the
Torah as a Bar Mitzvah and Dr. Rudolph I. Coffee is scheduled to deliver a
sermon on “Jewish Types.”
In a move that was aimed at limiting Jewish participation the General Purposes
Committee of the London Council Country (LCC) voted by eleven to ten “to
recommend to the full Council that, except in the case of teachers of foreign
languages or where the Council resolved otherwise, no person other than
natural-born British subjects be taken into the employ of the LCC.”
The convention of the Central Conference of American Rabbis all of whose
attendees have received “a manuscript copy of the new Union Prayer Book” is
scheduled to open today in Rochester.
Birthdate of Dorothea Herz who as Dorothea Rabkin joined forces with her husband Leon to build
a collection of American folk art noted for the whirligigs and other sculptures
made by anonymous carvers in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Starting not
long after their marriage in 1958, the Rabkins spent decades scouring flea
markets and secondhand shops. They acquired some traditional pieces like quilts
and baskets, but they also bought objects few people wanted then — the works by
unschooled artisans that are known today as outsider art. Their collection grew
to more than 1,200 items, including paintings by self-taught black artists like
Sam Doyle and Mose Tolliver. But the Rabkins were best known for figural folk
sculpture, amassing one of the finest collections in private hands. Most often
carved in wood, sometimes made of metal, the sculptures are typically human in
form, depicting men and women at work and at play. Besides whirligigs,
articulated pieces designed to move or spin in a breeze, they include
tradesmen’s mannequins, ventriloquists’ dummies and dolls. Artwork from the
Rabkins’ collection has been reproduced widely in books and exhibited around
the country. More than 200 of the couple’s pieces are now in the collection of
the American Folk Art Museum in New York. One of the most instantly
recognizable is the whirligig “Uncle Sam Riding a Bicycle,” among the most
emblematic works of American folk art of any kind. Nearly five feet long and
carved of wood, it was made between 1880 and 1920. When a propeller at the
front is turned, Uncle Sam, in top hat and tails, pedals his little bike.
Behind him, a richly carved American flag (the reverse side is Canadian) seems
to ripple in the breeze. Among other notable objects the Rabkins gave the
museum is an elaborate sheet-metal farm scene from the early 20th century that,
set in motion, is almost Rube Goldbergian in its symphony of contingencies: a
man pumps water, and a horse drinks it; a fisherman pulls on his rod as a
chicken steals a worm from his bait can. As associates said in interviews this
week, Ms. Rabkin had a keen eye for unheralded talent. (She was an early
advocate, for instance, of the Pennsylvania folk painter Justin McCarthy.) From
the mid-1980s till her retirement in 2007, she served on the collections
committee of the folk art museum, advising it on acquisitions. Rabkin was born
in Berlin. Her father was Jewish. Her mother was not. After Hitler came to
power in 1933, the mother left the family and repudiated her children. In the
years that followed, Dorothea and her twin sister, Rose, were shuttled among
sympathetic Christian neighbors, sometimes together, sometimes apart, often
hidden in closets. They dared not go to school, and their formal education
ended. After the war began, the twins, now young adults, found themselves
adrift in Berlin. Living separately and furtively, they and an older sister,
Elizabeth, passed as Gentiles. (Dorothea dyed her hair platinum blond, her
husband said.) During this period, their father, pursued by the Gestapo, killed
himself. Their mother survived the war. Rose made her way to New York in 1948.
Dorothea arrived the next year, carrying, as she later said, “an empty
suitcase.” She found work as a cook in a Schrafft’s restaurant and was later an
assistant to a rare-book dealer. In January 1958, Dorothea met Leo Rabkin on a
blind date; they married that May. A native of Cincinnati, Mr. Rabkin is an
abstract artist whose work is in the collections of major museums; for many
years he was also a teacher of troubled adolescents at the Livingston School
for Girls on King Street in Manhattan. She passed away at the age of 87, a
victim of Parkinson disease cared for by her husband Leo, her sole immediate
Beginning of the Irish Civil War during which Robert Briscoe, the future Lord
Mayor of Dublin, sided with the anti-treaty members of the IRA.
Lehigh University trained chemical engineer and retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel
Gilbert Garfield Jacobosky, the Wilkes-Barre, PA born son of Isaac and Adelhied
Jaocbsky, married Audrey Blumenthal today in Philadelphia after which they
resided in Wilkes Barre where he was a member of B’nai B’rith
Today Father Joachim Alexopoulos, who in 1943, when Greece was under Nazi
occupation, devised a plan for hiding 700 Jewish residents of Volos which saved
them from deportation and almost certain death,” “was appointed the first Greek Orthodox
Bishop of Boston with the new Annunciation church, which was designated a
cathedral, as his seat.”
As the United States experienced an upswing in bigotry including anti-Semitism,
the Ku Klux Klan burned a cross on Peavine Mountain in Nevada, following a
similar event that had taken place at Reno in April of this year.
In New York City, May (née Cohen) and Samuel Rudin gave birth to Jacob “Jack”
Rudin the Bronze Star winning WW II veteran and real estate developer.
“Doctor Stephen S. Wise, the Rabbi of the Free Synagogue delivered the
invocation at the opening of the sixth session of the 1924 Democratic National
In Whitechapel, London Moshe Cailingold and his wife the former Anne Fenechel
gave birth to Esther Cailingold the schoolteacher turned fighter who died in
the battle for Jerusalem in 1948.
In Brooklyn, James and Kate (née Brookman) Kaminsky gave birth to Melvin James
Kaminsky who gained fame as comedian/actor/director Mel Brooks.
“A rally for those participating in the arrangements for the Theatrical Field
and Sports Day” a fund raising event of the United Jewish Campaign is scheduled
to be held this afternoon at the Astor Hotel.
“Nathan Sweedler, attorney for the three Jewish internes who were hazed a week
ago at Kings County Hospital, indicated today that he probably would ask for
additional arrests today, when six Gentile internes, charged with having
assaulted his clients, come up for hearing before Magistrate Short in Flatbush
Court, Brooklyn.
Albert Kramer the Cape Town born son of Karel Lodewyk Kramer and Anna Maria
Elizabeth Kramer and his wife Elizabeth Francis Kramer gave birth to George
Barry Kramer.
In Manhattan, a year after Benjamin Bass “had opened the Pelican Book Shop,” he
and his wife Shirley (née Vogel) gave birth to Fred Bass, the businessman who
made the Strand Bookstore a New York institution.
1929: Release date of the first film adaptation of “Showboat” based on the
novel by Edna Ferber with music by Jerome Kern.
1929: Just four years before he would flee from Germany, Albert Einstein
was one of the first of the two recipient of Max Planck Medals awarded today by
the “German Physical Society.”
1929: In a move that would help perpetuate the myth of Germany as an
innocent victim and help pave the way for the rise of the Nazis, today “on the
tenth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany observed
a day of mourning” which including the publishing of “a proclamation signed by
President Paul von Hindenburg and the entire cabinet” disclaiming Germany’s
responsibility for starting World War I
1930: In London, Charles and Minnie (née Elbery) Gold gave birth to British
director Jack Gold.
1931: Harvard trained labor lawyer Lee Pressman married the
former Sophia Platnik.
1932: Two days after she passed away, funeral services are scheduled to be
held this morning “at the Jewish Centre on West 86th Street” for
Mrs. Bessie Simon Rosalsky, “the wife of Judge Otto A. Rosalsky of the Court of
General Sessions” after which she will be buried at the Mount Judah Cemetery in
1932: Sibylle
Aimée Marie-Antoinette Gabrielle de Riquetti de Mirabeau a French writer who
used the pseudonym GYP passed away. She was “a fanatical anti-Semite &
anti-Dreyfusard; in fact, while testifying at a court case in 1899 she gave her
profession as "anti-Semite" rather than "writer".
1933: Dr. Henry Moskowitz returned today on the White Star liner Majestic
after five weeks abroad where he spent much of his time had been spent in
Germany investigating the status of the Jews in Jews and also in interviewing
Jewish refugees in London and Paris.
1933: “In a speech to German newspaper
publishers, Hitler describes the government’s new journalistic
regulations.” (Jewish Virtual Library)
1933(4th of Tammuz, 5693):
Seventy-eight-year-old Charlotte Rosaline McIver, the London born daughter of
Emma and Dr. Nathaniel Mayer Montefiore and the wife of Sir Lewis McIver passed
away today.
1934: “Of Human Bondage” produced by Pandro S.
Berman, starring Leslie Howard with music by Max Steiner was released today in
the United States.
1934: Today, Washington
University trained lawyer Sam Elson, the holder of JSD from Yale who taught at
his alma mater, was a member of the National Conference of Christians and Jews
married Gertrude Clemens Palmer today.
In Detroit Bess Rachel Levinson and Saul R. Levin gave birth to Carl Milton
Levin a Democratic United States Senator from Michigan and the Chairman of the
Senate Committee on Armed Services. He has been in the Senate since 1979 and
Michigan's senior senator since 1995. He is the longest-serving US Senator ever
to represent Michigan.
Birthdate of Brooklyn native Arnold Asher, the graduate of Yeshiva College who
received his MHL from Jewish Theological Seminary where he received his ordination
and went to serve two congregations in St. Louis.
U.S. premiere of “Love Me Forever” with a script by Jo Swerling and Sidney
1936: The Palestine Post reported that after a train was
derailed near Lydda, and one British soldier and an Arab railway man were
killed, the town was ordered by the authorities to pay a 5,000 pound collective
fine. The mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini again alleged in his
statement, mailed to the high commissioner, that Jews planned to restore their
ancient holy places on the site of al-Aksa Mosque. He had also complained that
British Army soldiers disregarded the sanctity of Muslim holy places and
searched for arms hidden inside mosques. Two British soldiers were wounded
while protecting linesmen repairing sabotaged telephone lines.
1936: At Saratoga Springs, NY, “more than 1,000 delegates at the
opening of the annual convention of the Independent Order of B’rith Abraham
voted this afternoon to conduct the golden jubilee of the order in connection
with the fiftieth convention in New York City next year.”
1936: Sixty-five year old anarchist Alexander Berkman who
unsuccessfully tried to assassinate Henry Clay Frick during a strike against
U.S. Steel passed away today.
1936: Today, Longmans, Green & Co. is scheduled to published The
Jews of Germany by Marvin Lowenthal which “is not merely an account of the
events of the past years but the full story of the Jews in Germany from 321
A.D. down to the present time” by the author of A World Passed by that
described “the surviving monuments and life of the Jews in Europe and Northern
1936: “The Gollantz Saga” published today provided a review of
Naomi Jacob’s latest work, The Founder of the House.
1936: It was reported today that “Polish Jews are depressed” over
the action of the court at Radom in sentencing ten Jews to anywhere from eight
month to eight years in prison in connection” with their role in defending
themselves during the “anti-Jewish riots at Przytyk last March” and have closed
theatres while they engage in fasting and prayer.
1936: At Asbury Park, NJ, the delegates to the 28th
annual convention of the Federation of Polish Jews in America adopted “a group
of resolutions deploring the wave of anti-Semitism in Europe” and charging the
Polish Government “with having ignominiously surrendered to the forces of
anarchy and mob violence.”
1937: During the Spanish Civil War, the Palafox Battalion, which
included a company of Jewish volunteers named for Naftali Botwin, was formed
1937: Mordecai M. Danzis is scheduled to deliver a lecture on
“Present Condition of Jews in Germany and Palestine” at a meeting of the New
Zionist Organization of America followed by a Johan J. Smertenko speaking on
“Divide Palestine.”
1938: The British authorities refused to commute the sentence
Solomon ben Yosef, a Jewish youth, who is to be hanged tomorrow for having
fired at an Arab-owned bus although he caused no casualties.
1938: CBS broadcast the last episode of “the Ford Motor sponsored
series ‘Watch the Fun Go By’ featuring Al Pearce.
1938: In New York City, “composer Arthur Schwartz and 1930s’
Broadway ingénue Kay Carrington” gave birth to New York radio personality
Jonathan Schwartz who also has recorded parts of the Great American Songbook.
1938: It was reported today that “a renewed wave of suicides among
Jews is sweeping Vienna as the result of Nazi orders that Jewish employees must
be released by both ‘Aryan’ and Jewish firms” and that employers are forbidden
to give” them “severance pay.”
1939: “Delegates to the forty second annual convention of the Zionist
Organization of America heald an outdoor meeting at the Jewish Pavilion at the
World’s Fair” after having concluded its regular business sessions. This occasion coincided with the 30th
anniversary of the founding of Tel Aviv, the all-Jewish city that has grown
from a sand dune to a modern metropolis with 150,000 inhabitants.
1939(11th of Tammuz, 5699): Seventy-year old Samuel
Friend, the last Rabbi in Hanover whose wife Minna died at Theresienstadt in
1942, passed away today.
1940: As a result of its non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany
that made WW II possible, the Soviet Union began the occupation and annexation
of Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina and the Hertza region of Romania
1940: In a letter to Lord Lloyd lamenting the Colonial Sectary’s
opposition to arming the Jews of Palestine, Churchill that because of this
policy “twenty thousand sorely needed British and Australian troops were tied
up in Palestine. This is the price we
have to pay for the anti-Jewish policy which has been persisted in for some
years…I is little less than a scandal at a time when we are fighting for our
lives that these very large forces should be immobilized in support of a policy
which only commends itself to a section of the Conservative Party.”
1940: “Dominican Republic Bars All but Sponsored Immigration”
published today described changes in the Central American republic’s treatment
of those seeking asylum including Jews from Europe.
1941: U.S. premiere of “Underground” a film about anti-Nazi
resistance directed by Vincent Sherman,
1941: German forces entered the Polish city of Drohobych which had
been in the Soviet Zone. This marked the
start of the destruction of the Jewish community of Drohobych.
Chief of Gestapo, Henirich Muller, sent Adolph Eichmann to review the
destruction in Bialystok and Minsk.
The Germans reoccupied Przemysl today which would prove to be a death sentence
for all but 300 of its 17,000 Jewish inhabitants.
1941: For two days, in the German-occupied town of
Kovno, Lithuania, Lithuanian police and released convicts use iron bars to beat
hundreds of Jews to death in the city's streets. Thousands more Jews are
murdered at Kovno, Lithuania, and another 5000 are killed at Brest-Litovsk,
Following the end of fighting at Minsk 40,000 Jews are now trapped in the Nazi
killing machine.
1942: All Jews living in France over the age of 6
are required to wear an armband with a yellow Star of David
1943: In Tunis Lola Bembaron and Siegried
Wolinski gave birth to Georges David Wolinski “a French cartoonist and comics
writer” who was killed during on a terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris.
Samuel Levy, former Borough President of Manhattan and chairman of the Board of
Directors of Yeshiva and Yeshiva College announced today that Dr. Samuel
Belkin, Talmudic scholar and dean of the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary
(Yeshiva) since 1941, has been elected president of Yeshiva and Yeshiva College
In New Orleans, Walter B. and Jane (Waldhorn) Moses gave birth to Tulane
graduate and USNR lieutenant Stephen A.
Moses who became president of the Waldhorn Company, Inc in 1972 and who married
Dee Russ at the same time he graduated.
1944: As the Red Army approaches the
concentration camp at Maly Trostinets, Belorussia, near Minsk, regular SS
troops replace the non-German SS-auxiliary guards. All surviving prisoners--Jews
and non-Jewish Russian civilians--are herded into a barracks that is set
ablaze. Any prisoners who manage to exit the burning building are shot. About
20 Jews who had come to Maly Trostinets from the camp/ghetto at Theresienstadt,
Czechoslovakia, escape to the woods;
of Tammuz, 5705): As the ashes of the Holocaust settle over Europe, Tzom Tammuz
took on an additional level of sorrow.
of Tammuz, 5705): Sixty-nine-year old Jacob Baer Werlin, the Russian born son
Ellias and Bessi Werlinsky and the husband of Sarah Werlin whom he married in
1898 passed away today after which he was buried at the Adath Emeth Cemetery in
Houston, TX.
In New York, Lucille (née Geier) and Adolf N. Lakes, who escaped from Nazi
Germany in 1935 gave birth to Jane Margaret Lakes, who as Jane Harman gave
representing California’s 36th district in 1993.
Birthdate of Gilda Radner, the Detroit born, comedienne who gained famed for
weekly appearances on the television show, Saturday Night Live.
In the United States, premiere of “Dead of Night” a horror film produced by
Michael Balcon.
In New York, Morris Helprin, the president of London Films and actress Eleanor
Lynn Helprin gave birth to Mark Helprin “an American novelist, journalist, and
conservative commentator” who in “2006 Helprin received the Peggy V. Helmerich
Distinguished Author Award” and in 2010 “was awarded the Salvatori Prize in the
American Founding by the Claremont Institute.”
1948(21st of Sivan, 5708): Eighty-three
year old Gaston Michel Calmann-Lévy, the husband of Helen Calmann Levy and the
father of Nicole Germaine Oulman and Robert Paul Michel Calmann-Levy, passed
away today.
1948: “Count Folke Bernadotte, a Swedish
diplomat appointed as a mediator by the UN” submitted his first plan to end
hostilities which if adopted would have “abolished the Jewish state” and
created a Kingdom of Transjordan with “a Jewish enclave” which meant the he was
voiding Resolution 181 that had created the Jewish state in 1947.
1949: “High Schools for Israel”
published today described the plans of Alliance Israelite Universelle to open
“new high schools in Israel” and plans “to open additional elementary schools
in other countries.
1949: “Irving Tick, the counsel to the
Brooklyn Kosher Butchers Association” is scheduled to “be the guest of honor at
a dinner tonight at the Belmont Plaza Hotel, given by the meat and provisions
division of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.”
1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that a modified scheme
for national insurance was finally approved by the government and was to be
brought before the Knesset. Registration continued for the Four-Year People's
Housing Scheme. Twelve thousand housing units were expected to be allocated to
needy citizens yearly.
1952: On Shabbat, in Tel Aviv, taxicab drivers pull their vehicles
off the road in protest over the government’s new restriction on use of
gasoline and restrictions on driving of personal vehicles.
1952: Albert Einstein granted permission for his named to be used
for the medical center created by the merger of Northern Liberties Hospital and
Mount Sinai Hospital now known as the Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia,
PA which can trace its roots back to eh Jewish Hospital for the Aged, Infirmed
and Destitute founded in 1864.
1953: “Abe H.Weiler,” the Russian born motion picture editor of
the New York Times reported today that Sir Alexander Korda is preparing to
produce three films – “Paris by Night,” “Three Cases of Murder” and “The
1953: It was reported today that Orson Welles is joining forces
with none other than Sir Alexander Korda to produce a feature film titled,
"Paris by Night," in England and France in the near future.” (Korda
was Jewish; Welles was not)
1954: A raid on Arab Legion camp at Azzun, 13 km east of Qalqilya
by a seven man squad that included Meir Har-Zion led by Major Aharon Davidi
came to a less than satisfactory end when it was discovered that Sergeant
Yitzhak Jibli who had been wouned was taken prisoner by the Jordanians.
1955: U.S. premiere of the film version the novel “Not As A
Stranger” directed and produced by Stanley Karmer.
1956: A bill designed to abolish the death penalty that had been
introduced by Sydney Silverman received overwhelming approval in the House of
Commons which was later voted down in the House of Lords.
1956: “Resolutions and statements dealing with national and
foreign issues, including a strong appeal to the Soviet Union to restore the
cultural and religious rights of Jews, were adopted in Atlantic City today by the Central Conference of American
1958: The curtain came down on the original Broadway production of
“Auntie Mame” featuring Marian Winters as “Sally Cato MacDougal.”
1958: “Kings Go Forth,” a
WW II movie co-starring Tony Curtis with music by Elmer Bernstein was released
today in the United States.
1959: “Man of Vision” published today provided a review of
Isaac Mayer Wise: Pioneer of American Judaism by Joseph Gumbiner, a
biography for those 14 to 17 years old.
1959(22nd of Sivan, 5719): Seventy-one year old Herman
Leopoldi, the Austrian composer and entertainer who survived Buchenwald passed
away today in Vienna after suffering a heart attack.
1960: “Murder, Inc.” starring Peter Falk and directed by Stuart
Rosenberg and Burt Balaban, the film’s producer was released today in the
United States.
1964(18th of Tammuz, 5724): The Fast of Tammuz was observed for the first
time during the Presidency of Lyndon Johnson.
1964: Funeral services are scheduled to be held to be held for
seventy-one year old Louis Ackerman, the furrier who was the husband of Bella
Ackerman and the father of Morton L. Ackerman.
1965: In Princeton, NJ, physicist
Richard Hecht and his wife “Lenore, a psychotherapist” gave birth to Tony
nominated actress and singer Jessica Hecht, the younger sister of Elizabeth
Hecht and the step-daughter of psychiatrist Howard Iger.
1965: Jeweler Irving N. Chayken, the native of the Shtetel of Pobolov who
enlisted as soon as he had graduated from Hammond, Indiana High School, “said
today he was returning to France the Croix de Guerre he received nearly a half
a century ago because of President de Gaulle’s ‘stubborn attitude’” which made
him “a major threat to the peace of the Western Hemisphere.
1966: Port Arthur native Irving Loeb Goldberg, a graduate of the
University of Texas and Harvard Law School “was nominated by President Lyndon
B. Johnson to a new seat on the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth
Circuit created by 80 Stat. 75.”
1966: In Boston, psychologist Patricia Marks Greenfield and
physician Sheldon Greenfield gave birth to Harvard educated documentary
photographer and film maker Lauren Greenfield, the wife of Frank Evers.
1967: Several thousand Jews returned to the Hebrew University
amphitheater on Mount Scopus, the scene of the inauguration of the university
in 1925, cut off from the rest of Jerusalem since 1948.
1967: “Gunn” a movie based on the television detective Peter Gunn
featuring Alan Oppenheimer as “Whiteside” was released in the United States
Israel removed the barriers that separated occupied east Jerusalem from the
rest of the city. This marked the first time that Jerusalem was one city since
the illegal occupation by the Jordanians in 1948.
Seymour Pine led the raid on the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in Greenwich Village.
Inspector Pine, who was commander of the New York Police Department’s vice
squad for Lower Manhattan when led eight officers into the Stonewall Inn, an
illegal club frequented by cross-dressers.
Pine later apologized for his role in the raid. The raid touched off the Stonewall Uprising,
a major turning point for the GLBT to gain full civil rights.
Birthdate of award winning Israeli actress of Ayelet Zurer
of Sivan, 5730): Eighty-four year old Prague born and refugee from Nazi Europe
Eric Kahler the “cultural historian and author whose works included, the
acclaimed The Tower and the Abyss: An Inquiry into the Transformation of the
Individual and The Jews Among the Nations passed away today.
“Mohammad Boudia, the Algerian-born director of operations for Black September
in France, was killed in Paris by a pressure-activated bomb packed with heavy
nuts and bolts placed under his car seat.”
Among those whose names appeared in the Lists of White House 'Enemies' and
Memorandums Relating to Those Named published today were Alfred P. Slaner,
Daniel Schoor, Marvin Kalb and Barbara Streisand.
of Tammuz, 5735): Parashat Pinchas
of Tammuz, 5735): Ninety-one-year old Columbia trained attorney Henry
Hofheimer, the senior partner in Hofheimer, Garlir, Gottlieb and Gross and New
York born son of Fanny and Solomon Hofheimer who was the husband of the former
Hannah Falk and who served “on the boards of the 92nd Street Y, the
Jewish Guild for the Blind, the UJA and the Joint Distribution Committee,
passed away today.
Rod Serling passed away. He gained fame
as the creator and opening line presenter of Twilight Zone television series.
Serling was born and raised as a Reform Jew. He became a Unitarian while
in college in an attempt to mollify his wife's family who were upset at the
prospect of having a Jewish son-in-law.
1976: The
Jerusalem Post
reported that an Air France jumbo jet was hijacked over Greece with some 216
passengers, including about 70 Israelis, aboard. This was the first instance of
the hijacking of an Air France plane. Distraught relatives of Israeli
passengers waited all night at Ben-Gurion Airport and the Air France offices in
Tel Aviv. (This would prove to be the first act in an adventure that became
known as The Raid on Entebbe.)
Air France Flight 139, which had been hijacked by terrorists, arrived at
Entebbe Airport in Uganda. The four hijackers were joined by several comrades
who were supported by Idi Amin, the pro-Palestinian Uganda dictator.
“One On One” co-starring Robby Benson (Robin David Segal) who also co-authored
the screenplay was released today in the United States.
of Tammuz, 5739): Eighty-four composer and conductor Paul Dessau, the grandson
of Hamburg cantor Moses Berend Dessau who returned to the GDR after having found
refuge in the United States during WW II, passed away today.
1979: “The Holocaust Survivors Film Project
(HFSP)” which created the Holocaust Survivors Film Project (HFSP), “a
collection of recorded interviews with witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust
located a Yale University” was formally launched today.
of Tammuz, 5739): Stuart Schulberg the son of producer and studio executive
B.P. Schulberg and younger brother of novelist/screenwriter passed away today.
1980: Molly Picon received a Creative Achievement
Award from the Performing Arts Unit of B'nai B'rith.
Today, in Burbank, CA, memorial services are scheduled to be held this
afternoon at the Mt. Sinai Mortuary for producer Carl Foreman who wrote scripts
for ''High Noon,'' ''The Guns of Navarone'' and ''The Bridge on the River
Kwai,'' and who is survived by his wife,
Evelyn; three children, Kate Lovenheim, Jonathan Foreman and Amanda Foreman.”
(As written by Jon Pareles
“Shmuel Flatto-Sharon, a financier wanted in France, today lost a 12-year
struggle to stay out of prison.”
of Sivan, 5744): Yigael Yadin an Israeli archeologist, politician, and the
second Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, passed away. There is no
way to do justice to the life of this fascinating man who did it all from
leading Israel in the fight for independence to taking part in some of the most
important archaeological digs in history. If you did not know he had lived this
life you would have thought it was a product of some famous fiction writer.
of Tammuz, 5745): Eighty-six year old Bialysok-born British composer Mischa
Spoliansky whose first work in England was creating the music for Sanders of
the River, the 1935 cinematic production by the Korda brothers.
“St. Elmo’s Fire,” a dark look at youthful transformation directed by Joel
Schumacher who also co-authored the script and co-starring Martin Balsam was
released today in the United States.
After 524 performances and 23 previews Neil Simon’s “Biloxi Blues” directed by
Gene Saks closed out its Broadway run at the Neil Simon Theatre.
In Los Angeles, “ormer Geffen Records A&R exec/record producer Tony Berg”
and his wife gave birth indie rock vocalist “Elizabeth Anne ‘Z’ Berg.”
A children’s memorial designed by Moshe Safdie and financed by an American Jew
named Abraham Spiegel who had lost his two year old son at Auschwitz, opened at
Yad Vashem
Dame Shirley Porter (born Shirley Cohen) began serving as Deputy Lieutenant of
Greater London.
Iris Margaret Origo, an Anglo-Irish writer who helped to save Jewish children
through the kindertransport including the painter Frank Helmut Auerbach passed
away today.
“The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear” directed by David Zucker who also
co-authored the script for the films on which Jim Abrahams and Jerry Zucker
served as executive producers was released in the United States today.
In Los Angeles, “Sharon Lyn (née Chalkin), a costume designer and fashion
stylist, and Richard Feldstein, a tour accountant for Guns N' Roses” gave birth
to actress Elizabeth Greer "Beanie" Feldstein who played “Minnie Fay”
in a Broadway revival of “Hello, Dolly” and “Julie Steffans” in the Academy
Award nominated comedy “Lady Bird._
1995: Joseph Stiglitz was appointed Chairman of the Council of
Economic Advisers which made a member of the Clinton Cabinet.
1998: The New York Times featured reviews of books by
Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including A
Nation on Trial: The Goldhagen Thesis and Historical Truth by Norman G.
Finkelstein and Ruth Bettina Birn.
1999: The Hitler Papers which have been by Huntington since 1945
were scheduled to go on supply today.
2000: As Jews express their dissatisfaction with the decision to
beatify Pius IX, “at a symposium on Pius IX held today in Rome, Amos Luzzatto,
president of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities, said, ''The Mortara
case is a wound in the body and spirit of Italian Jews that has yet to be
2001: Ekaterina (Katya) Weintraub, 27, of Ganim in northern
Samaria was killed and another woman injured late Thursday afternoon by shots
fired at the two-car convoy on the Jenin bypass road.
in New York City, New York, Matt Bloom defeated Kane to win the WWF
Intercontinental Championship.
American philosopher Mortimer Adler passed away. Adler was born into a non-observant Jewish
home. He began his philosophic quest in
his teens. Before his death, Adler
converted to Roman Catholicism.
“Mr. Deed” a remake of the 1936 comedy hit starring Adam Sandler and Winona
Ryder was released in the United States today.
At the Library of Congress opening of an exhibition entitled Herblock’s Gift:
Selections from the Herb Block Foundation Collection
“Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” a comedy produced by Judd Apatow and
co-starring Paull Rudd premiered in Los Angeles.
Raleb Majadele entered the Knesset on today as a replacement for Avraham Burg,
who had resigned.
Mordechai Yosepov, 49, and Afik Zahavi, four, were killed when a Kassam rocket
fired by Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip struck near a nursery school in the
northern Negev town of Sderot.
of Sivan, 5654): On the day before his 73rd birthday, Philip Hobson,
the British critic and poet who was the son of Polish-Jewish immigrants passed
away today in London.
The Popular Resistance Committees, which earlier in the day threatened to “butcher” Eliyahu Asheri “in
front of TV cameras” “stated that the 18 year old had been killed.”
Screening of “From Philadelphia to the Front” at the Vilna Shul / Boston Center for Jewish
Heritage in Boston, MA.
For more about this film see www.fromphiladelphiatothefront.com
Israel’s President Moshe Katsav signed a plea agreement under which the rape
charges against him will be dropped and he will serve no active jail time.
Bravo began broadcasting “Hey Paula,” the reality television show “which
followed Paula Abdul through her day-to-day life.
David Miliband begins serving as Secretary of State of Foreign and Commonwealth
Tel Aviv held its three White Night festival.
Following the tradition of the French, the cultural institutions of
Israel’s largest metropolis keep their doors open until “the wee hours of the
of Tammuz, 5767): Rabbi Abraham J. Klausner, a Jewish chaplain in the United
States Army who arrived at the Dachau concentration camp a few days after its
liberation in 1945 and a strong voice for thousands of Holocaust survivors who
remained in displaced persons camps for years after the war, passed away at his
home in New Mexico at the age of 92. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)
Birkat Hachodesh - On Shabbat, Jews around the world prepare for the saddest
month of the year, by announcing that month of Av will arrive on the seventh
day of the upcoming week.
of Tammuz, 5769): Seventy-nine year old Rabbi Simcha Binem Lieberman, the
Gerrer Hasid turned Warsaw Ghetto freedom fighter, turned Talmudic scholar passed
away today.
"The Java Jews, an energetic and talented group from Des Moines, IA, with
guest artist John Manning, University of Iowa Professor of Tuba perform at the
Hillel House at the University of Iowa in Iowa City.
The Washington Post featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or
of special interest to Jewish readers including “American Radical: The Life and
Times of I.F. Stone” by D.D. Guttenplan
The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of
special interest to Jewish reader including “Arthur Miller: 1915-1962” by
Christopher Bigsby and the recently released paperback edition of “For the
Thrill of It: Leopold, Loeb, and the Murder That Shocked Jazz Age Chicago” by
Simon Baatz
Today, Gideon Shalit’s family said that they would no longer respond to ongoing
rumors about their son's release. They claimed the rumors were released by
Hamas in order to put pressure on the Israeli government to free terrorists.
Defense Minister Barak, too, claimed the rumors are harmful to the efforts to
achieve the soldier's release.
The Civil Aviation Authority suspended flights to three southern Russian cities
today following a dispute with Russia's Federal Air Transport Agency. All
flights from Israel to Sochi, Rostov and Krasnodar have been discontinued until
further notice. The underlying cause of the dispute was an attempt by the
Russian aviation authority to create a situation in which Russian airlines
would dominate the routes at the expense of Israeli carriers.
2009: Tony Kushner’s latest play, “The Intelligent
Homosexual’s Guide to Capitalism and Socialism With a Key to the Scriptures,”
is scheduled to have its final performance.2010: Elena Kagan's confirmation
hearings began today.
2010: The
committee appointed to investigate the flotilla crisis of a month ago held its
first meeting today
2010: Chelsea “Handler was
named to Forbes’ 100 Most Powerful People today, which noted “Her bawdy
obsessions—drinking, midgets, bodily functions, minorities, relatives,
overinvolved mothers—brought in $19 million-plus for the 12 months ended June 1
… A handful of years ago no one in entertainment had heard of her.” (JWA)
2011: Philip
Roth, the much-lauded author of "Portnoy's Complaint", is scheduled
to be officially awarded the biennial Man Booker International Prize in London
2011: An opening reception
is scheduled to be held this evening marking the opening of an exhibition that
will include “Under Destruction” a work created by Ariel Schlesinger, a sabara
who studied at Bezalel, Academy for Art and Design, Jerusalem
2011: Justice
Ministry officials came out today in defense of Deputy State Prosecutor Shai
Nitzan, who been under public attack in the wake of Rabbi Dov Lior's arrest a
day earlier for allegedly encouraging incitement
2011: The lower house of
the Dutch parliament voted to ban the ritual slaughter of animals, Reuters
2011: Dr. Oliver Wolf
Sacks discussed his work and his personal health issues during the BBC
documentary “Imagine.”
2011: According to
Haaretz, today in his “remarks to the International Council of Jewish
Parliamentarians, Ronald Lauder scolded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu for a number of missteps, including lacking a diplomatic plan heading
into the September UN vote on Palestinian statehood and setting preconditions
for negotiations as part of the peace process in the Israeli–Palestinian
2011: An
estimated hundred thousand people took part in the funeral procession of Rabbi
Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz in Bnei Brack today.
2011: Shia LaBeouf
“reprised his role in the third live-action Transformers film, Transformers:
Dark of the Moon,” which was released today.
2012: The remaining 18
families living at Givat Ulpana are scheduled to leave their homes today and
move to temporary housing at a nearby military base. (As reported by Josh
2012: In Portland, Oregon,
The American Conference of Cantors-Guild of Temple Musicians' Convention is
scheduled to come to a close.
2012: Chris Murphy, Chief
of Staff to D.C. Mayor Gray, is scheduled to speak at noontime meeting
sponsored by The D.C. Commission of the Jewish Community Relations Council
2012: Israeli cellist Yoed
Nir is scheduled to perform at the Peace & Love Festival in Borlange,
2012: The
IDF is bolstering defenses along the Syrian border and beefing up its forces
due to concern that terrorist groups are planning a cross-border attack in the
Golan Heights, commander of Division 36 Brig.-Gen. Tamir Hyman said today.
2012: Prime
Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned members of the Keshev Committee today that
unless mandatory national service for the Arab sector is instituted, he may
decide not to bring the committee's recommendations to the Knesset for a vote.
2012: Dozens
of artists, musicians and performers have joined a Facebook campaign calling
for a boycott of the Tel Aviv municipality's annual White Night event today, to
protest police violence against social justice demonstrators last week.
2013: “Fill the Void,” a film that “tells the
story of an Orthodox Hassidic Family from Tel Aviv is scheduled to open in
several theatres including the Chez Artiste 3 in Denver, the Camelot in Palm
Springs, the Criterion in New Haven and the River Oaks Theatre 3 in Houston.
2013: Marlene Trestman is scheduled to deliver
the Donald S. Shire lecture at the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington, D.C.
“The speech is timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Department
of Labor in addition to recognizing the 75th and 50th anniversaries of the Fair
Labor and Equal Pay Acts, respectively, for which Bessie Margolin worked
tirelessly. (As reported by Alan Samson, CCJN)
2013: “The Attack,” a film about an
Israeli-Arab doctor whose wife is killed in a terrorist attack is scheduled to
be released at theatres throughout the United States.
2013: Marlene Trestman will deliver the Donald
S. Shire lecture at the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington, D.C. The speech
is timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Department of Labor in
addition to recognizing the 75th and 50th anniversaries of the Fair Labor and
Equal Pay Acts, respectively, for which Bessie Margolin worked tirelessly. (As
reported by Alan Smason)
“The Sexuality Spectrum sponsored by HUC-JIR is scheduled to come to an end.
2013: In the United Kingdom, premiere of “The
Act of Killing” a documentary directed by Joshua Oppenheimer.
2013: At the Weiner Library, Filmmaker Alan Reich
is scheduled to discuss his latest project, “The Last Boat,” which tells the
story of the incredible rescue of seventy Jewish children and their two
chaperones out of Poland on a British boat arriving in England three days before
the start of World War Two.
2013: The IDF deployed an Iron
Dome anti-rocket battery in the Haifa area early this morning, amid heightened
tensions in the North stemming from the ongoing Syrian civil war.
2013: The German Federal Administrative Court
vetoed a bid to release classified foreign intelligence documents that would
reveal western spies knew where Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann escaped to
after World War II, British media reported today.
2013: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s
senior adviser Ron Dermer will be appointed Israeli ambassador to the United
States, Army Radio reported today
2014: Jonathan Lethem is
scheduled to read from his latest book, Dissident Gardens, this evening at
Prairie Lights Bookstore in Iowa City.
2014: “The Wonders,” a
film about “a bartender who doubles as a graffiti artist in Jerusalem is
scheduled to be shown at the Portland Jewish Film Festival.
2014(30th of
Sivan, 5774): Ninety-three year old composer Seymour Barab passed away today.
(As reported by Margalit Fox)
2014(30th of Sivan,
5774): Rosh Chodesh Sivan
2014: Trio of
Anniversaries of events that still resonate with us today: 625th
anniversary of Battle of Kosovo,
anniversary of the assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the
Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife and the 95th anniversary of the signing of
the Versailles Treaty
2014: “Israelis broke all records of
electricity consumption in June as temperatures climbed over 40 degrees
Celsisu” means that from Kiryat Shmona to Eilat, the country was in the grip of
near record heat wave. (As reported by Ilana Curiel)
2014: “The IAF attacked 3 hidden rocket
launchers in the central Gaza stipr tonight in response to the barrage of
rockes fired into southern Israel, one of which hit a factory that was burned
to the ground.(As reported by Yoav Zitun)
2014: As rocket attacks from Gaza continue to
intensify a missle fired from Beit Hanoun hit the "Denber" plastic
factory in Sderot's industrial area, causing a large fire to break out which
resulted in the destruction of the factory. While some workers were injured
there was no loss of life.
2015: The
New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of
special interest to Jewish readers including Why Grow Up? by Susan
Neiman and The Odd Woman and the City
by Vivian Gornick
2015(11th of Tammuz, 5775): Ninety-three year
old comedian Jack Carter passed away today.
2015(11th of Tammuz, 5775):
Eighty-one year old conservative commentator Ben Wattenberg passed away today.
2015: “Parents in some 70 towns” including
Herzliya and Holon keep their children at home today as part of the protest
“against overcrowding in classrooms.”
2015: In Amherst, MA, the Yiddish Book Center
is scheduled to present “In the Unlikeliest of Places:
How Nachman Libeskind Survived the Nazis,
Gulags, and Soviet Communism.”
2015: The Naomi Prawer Kadar International
Yiddish Summer Program is scheduled to begin at Tel Aviv University.
2015: “Rabbi Shlomo Riskin's term as Chief
Rabbi of Efrat was extended by five years today after a month-long controversy
in which the Chief Rabbinate was allegedly planning to retire him at age 75
because of his religious views on the advancement of women in Orthodoxy and an
inclusive approach towards conversion.”
2016: “War Paint,” a musical based the lives of
“Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden defined beauty standards for the first
half of the 20th Century” premiered today.
2016: Professor Hillel Kieval of Washington
University in St. Louis is scheduled to deliver at lecture on “Blood
Inscriptions: Science, Modernity, and Ritual Murder in Fin de Siècle Europe” at
the Birkbeck University of London.
2016: “Following numerous incidents of rock
throwing by Palestinians, police today announced that the Mount, which is holy
to both Jews and Muslims, would be closed to Jewish visitors and tourists for
three days and that extra forces would be deployed to prevent rioting. 2016:
“Vita Activa: The Spirit of Hannah Arendt” is scheduled to be shown at the 24th
Portland Jewish Film Festival today.
2017: In Tennessee, the Memphis Jewish
Community Center is scheduled to host a performance by the members of the
Israeli Scout Friendship Caravan.
2017: Today, “Thirty years after his release
from Soviet camps, where he was subjected to forced labor as punishment for
clandestine Zionist activity, Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein became the first
Israeli politician to address Russia’s upper chamber of parliament, in a
triumphant turnaround for the one-time “Prisoner of Zion.”
2017: Today, during a reunion of “10 American
pilots who agreed to deliver jets to the IDF” during the Yom Kippur War
“retired US fighter pilot Roy “Bubba” Segars and retired Israeli fighter pilot
Jacob “Booby” Daube held a photo they took together during the 1973 Yom Kippur
War at the same Tel Nof airbase in Israel”(IDF Spokesperson, courtesy)
2017: In Iowa, the Jewish Federation of Greater
Des Moines is scheduled to host “Thank You for Being Late,” an evening with
columnist and author Thomas L. Friedman.
2017: Tom Jones is scheduled to perform at Tel
Aviv’s Menorah Arena this evening.
2018: JW3 is scheduled to host a screening of
“Keep the Change” directed by Rachel Israel at London’s Phoenix Cinema
2018: Today, Prince William, the future king of
England made “private visits to various holy sites in Jerusalem’s Old City,
including the Western Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher” as well as the
“Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, which are located on the Temple Mount.”
2018: Today, “an ultra-Orthodox Knesset member
threatened El Al with a consumer boycott should the airline remove
ultra-Orthodox passengers unwilling to sit next to women.”
2018: The Illinois Holocaust Museum and
Education Center is scheduled to host “Profiles of Courage” an “interactive
event” featuring veterans from WWII, Korea and Vietnam.
2018: JW3 is scheduled to host the final London
screenings of “The Boy Downstairs” starring Zosia Mamet and Mathew Shear Shear.
2018: A screening of “Heading Home: The Tale of
Team Israel” a documentary about the Israeli national baseball’s team trip to
the World Baseball Classic Sponsored by the Ed Berkowitz Film Education Fund is
scheduled to take place at the Avalon Theatre in Washington, D.C.
2019: “The feature-length documentary ‘The Spy
Behind Home Plate’” is scheduled to open today in Boston, San Diego, Denver,
St. Louis, Santa Cruz, CA, Grand Rapids, MI, Sarasota, FL, Marion, NC and Los
2019(25th of Sivan, 5779):
Centenarian Ruth Lillian Feder, the Cedar Rapids born daughter of Rose and
David Padzensky and the wife of Iz Feder passed away today.
2019: In San Francisco, Magain David Sephardim
Congregation is scheduled to begin hosting a young adult Shabbaton which is
part of a “two-day Sephardic Shabbat experience.
2019: The Limud Bay Area Festival is scheduled
to open today at Sonoma State University.
2019: The seminar “Jews and Political
Philosoph” lead by Ruth Wisse, Leora Batnitzky and Yual Levin is scheduled to
come to an end today.
2020: The KlezCalifornia workshop is scheduled
to host “Bread & Roses: Yiddish Songs of the Jewish Labor Movement, with
Cindy Paley ONLINE.”
2020: The
New York Times features reviews of books by Jewish authors and/or of
special interest to Jewish readers including the recently released paperback
editions of The Red Daughter by John Burnham Schwartz and The Story
of the Jews, Volume Two, Belonging 1491-1900 by Simon Schama
2020: Jewish LearningWorks is scheduled to
present, virtually, “Ladino Culture and Literature” with U. of Washington
professor Devin E. Naar talking about the Ladino language’s role in Jewish
culture from 1492 until World War
2020: The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra is
scheduled to hold a virtual gala at 2 p.m. today, in partnership with
Medici.TV, to benefit the Orchestra three months after COVID-19 forced
indefinite concert cancellations.
2020: The Jewish Genealogical Society of George
is scheduled to present a Zoom Webinar featuring author and journalist Libby
Copeland as she “discusses her new book, The Lost Family.”
2020: ELEM / Youth in Distress in Israel, in
collaboration with BMAD music, is scheduled to host a FREE benefit show on
YouTube live, in celebration and support of ELEM's work in Israel.
2020: The Friends of the Arava Institute is
scheduled to host online “Water as an Instrument for Peace: Middle Eastern
Cooperation in the Face of COVID-19.”
2020: Yad Vashem is scheduled to host a special
online lecture “Pius XII and the Holocaust: What Can We Learn from the Vatican
2020: Were it not for the Pandemic, today would
mark the end of o The Streicker Center’s “Israel Culinary Trip 2020.”
2020: The coronavirus cabinet is scheduled to
meet today at the request of Defense Minister Benny Gantz, amid the rise in
cases of COVID-19. (As reported by YNET)
2021: B’nai Torah’s Rabbi Dr. Lisa Eiduson is
scheduled to present online Tea Time Talks, a weekly discussion of “Srugim”
(meaning knitted or crocheted kippot) , the award winning Israeli television
2021: Klezmatics violinist and composer Lisa
Gutkin is scheduled to teach an online workshop on how to play music by ear,
including classic klezmer as part of “Klezmer by Ear.”
2021: JWA is scheduled to present “Reflections
of a Feminist Pioneer in Israel: a conversation with Alice Shalvi, Israeli
feminist activist, educator, and scholar.”
2021: The YIVO Institute is scheduled present
Adina Cimet speaking on “The Ashkenazi Jews of Mexico.
2021: ASF is scheduled to host a webinar on
“The Secret Jews of Majorca Island.”
2021: A team of IDF Home Front Command
reservists is scheduled to continue to assist in the mission to rescue those
trapped in the collapse of a Florida high-rise.
2022: The 2022 Arthur and Rochelle Belfer
National Conference for Educators, a virtual event sponsored by the United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum is scheduled to continue for a second day.
2022: The American Jewish Press Association
Annual Conference is scheduled to continue today in Atlanta with a general
session on “How do we define antisemitism” moderated by Alan Smason, the editor
of the Crescent City Jewish News.
2022: Today marks the opening of Ramah in the
Berkshires’ 2022 camp session.
2022: YIVO is scheduled to present a lecture in
Yiddish by Leyzer Burko on “Did the YIVO Linguists Disregard Hasidic Yiddish?”
2022: In London, the Sir Martin Gilbert
Learning Centre is scheduled to present
“At Churchill’s Table: Dining and Diplomacy with History’s Greatest
Leaders” with Lee Pollock of The International Churchill Society.
2023: Andrew Silow-Carroll, managing editor for
Ideas at the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and editor at large at the New York
Jewish Week, is scheduled to teach the first session of "Inside Jokes:
Explore the Essence of Jewish Humor.”
2023: The Executive Committee of the National
Council of Jewish Women is scheduled to meet today.
2023: The Virtual Belfer National Conference
for Educators, sponsored by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is
scheduled to come to an end today.
2023: NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object
Studies reported that a colossal asteroid dubbed 2013 WV44 is scheduled to make
its nearest approach to Earth at approximately 11 a.m. in Israel today. (As
reported by YNET)